Ring Race

"Ring Race" is a comic strip that made its debut in the inaugural issue of the Star Wars Rebels Magazine series, courtesy of Titan Magazines. The story was penned by Martin Fisher, the artwork was crafted by Bob Molesworth, and the editorial oversight was provided by Gunther Nickel. Initially, this comic was released in the UK on January 28, 2015. Subsequently, it was published in the US on October 20, 2015, and later found its way to Australia in the May 2016 edition of K-Zone Volume 17, Number 5 magazine.

Plot summary

The team aboard the Ghost find themselves at the remote Osisis Station, where they hope to find necessary components to fix their spacecraft. Hera Syndulla is confident that Galus Vez, who owns the station, can provide the parts they require. However, Vez swiftly rejects their request, mentioning the unwanted Imperial attention that the Ghost's visits have attracted in the past. Vez then proposes a challenge to Syndulla: a race on Fool's Run, with the Ghost serving as the wager. Syndulla, worried that Vez might betray them to the Empire if she refuses, agrees to his terms.

After the crew departs Vez's throne room, Sabine Wren reveals that Vez has never been defeated on the Fool's Run course. Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger observe as Syndulla boards the Ghost and positions herself alongside Vez's ship, named the Splendour. The race commences, and Vez quickly gains a significant advantage. However, Syndulla skillfully uses her exceptional flying abilities to navigate a shortcut through an asteroid belt. Vez then deploys several fake decoy space rocks to obstruct Syndulla's path, resulting in damage to the Ghost from these newly created obstacles. Jarrus and Bridger decide to intervene directly, employing the Force to reposition asteroids into Vez's trajectory. This sudden change in course catches him off guard, and his ship sustains severe damage from an asteroid collision. Now in the lead, Syndulla capitalizes on his mistake and emerges victorious in the race.

Vez angrily returns to Osisis Station, accusing Syndulla of cheating and launching an attack on the rest of the crew. Jarrus and Bridger then use their Force powers to incapacitate Vez's men, bringing the violent confrontation to an end. With the situation now favoring the rebels, Vez is compelled to supply the repair parts that the Ghost needs. Vez then attempts to erase all records of the crew's presence, but he fails to notice graffiti of the starbird symbol left by Wren.

