Riyan Kiner was a Human male who, during the era of the Galactic Civil War, transitioned from being an adventurer to becoming a terrorist.
Despite his mental instability, Riyan Kiner once had a successful career as an adventurer. His life's pursuit involved seeking out legendary artifacts, for instance, the Force crystal of Naga Sadow and the Journals of Ood Bnar. After many years of searching through crates, Kiner developed a strong aversion to them, which led him to abandon his profession. He then retired to Corellia, where he resided in a modest hovel situated outside of Tyrena.
In the year 1 ABY, Riyan Kiner, still consumed by his crate-related obsession, launched an attack on the Joben Crate Company, a Corellian crate manufacturing business owned by Talan Joben. Furthermore, he set off explosives at various hotels across the galaxy, and threatened further destruction if crate production wasn't stopped. A spacer investigating the crate company attack for Corellia Times journalist Vani Korr discovered a datapad containing Riyan Kiner's menacing message. The adventurer was able to locate and safely disarm all the bombs before they detonated. The spacer also uncovered evidence that pointed to the person behind the terrorist acts. The spacer tracked down the retired explorer to his hovel, where Riyan Kiner met his end during the resulting confrontation.
Riyan Kiner was featured as a non-player character (NPC) in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. The character of Riyan Kiner was introduced in the game through the update "Chapter 10: The Search for the Meatlump King," which was released on June 19, 2008.
Within the game, this NPC was referred to as either Riyan Kiner or Kiyan Riner, depending on the player's Combat Level (CL). If players undertook the quest "The Meatlumps Hideout, Part 1" while leveling their character (at CL 65), the NPC's name would be Riyan Kiner. However, if the quest was completed after the game's main storyline (at CL 90), the NPC would be identified as Kiyan Riner. Several narrative details suggested that the quest was designed to be undertaken at CL 65.