
Rohr served as a commander within the New Republic military, and he gave corporal Camerand Argell the directive to openly lead a garrison of Imperial officers alongside stormtroopers—captives taken on Coruscant—to their designated confinement zone located on Chandrila. In Rohr's view, exhibiting the prisoners in this manner was a sensible way to celebrate their triumph over the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Olia Choko, a Pantoran representative for public relations, observed the scene and criticized Argell for the dehumanizing treatment of the men, comparing it to herding livestock. Argell countered, suggesting they should feel pride in their wartime success, but Olia countered by stating that such actions mirrored the Empire's behavior, emphasizing that the New Republic should aspire to a higher standard. Following this, she instructed him to inform Commander Rohr that the parade should be stopped.

