Olia Choko

Olia Choko, a female Pantoran, dedicated her service to both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and, subsequently, the New Republic. She functioned as the crucial public relations link between Chancellor Mon Mothma and the Galactic Senate. Before the Senate's inaugural official session, she delivered a message of peace and reform to the galaxy via a news broadcast. Despite an incident where an irate citizen hurled spoiled fruit at her, she invited him to speak on camera, urging him to present his grievances to the Galactic Senate for resolution. Furthermore, witnessing a New Republic soldier ostentatiously displaying Imperial [prisoners](/article/prisoner], she rebuked him, underscoring the New Republic's commitment to differing from the preceding Galactic Empire.


Olia Choko, a female Pantoran, lived through the Age of the Empire and witnessed the emergence of the New Republic. By the time of the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, Choko was already a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Chancellor Mon Mothma, aiming to leverage the Alliance's triumph over the Galactic Empire for propaganda purposes, submitted a report to Minister of Education Tynnra Pamlo detailing available resources. Among these resources was holographic footage of the medal ceremony honoring Luke Skywalker and Han Solo after the battle, although obtaining permissions necessitated routing requests through Choko in communications.

Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Choko assumed the role of public relations representative for Chancellor Mon Mothma and the newly formed Galactic Senate. Amidst the Rebellion on Akiva, Choko was interviewed by Queen of the Core Network journalist Tracene Kane and Trandoshan cameraman Lug. This interview marked the inaugural broadcast of the new HoloNet channel.

Upon Kane expressing her nervousness, Choko reassured her, emphasizing her attractiveness as an alien. Choko ensured Lug captured a favorable shot of Hanna City, Chandrila's capital and the current seat of the Galactic Senate. Choko also directed Kane and Lug to prominently feature the stormtrooper helmet art installation located in the city circle. With the setting arranged, Kane initiated the interview, and Lug began filming.

During the interview, a piece of rotten fruit thrown by the disgruntled Xan named Geeska Dotalo struck Choko in the face. Despite Kane's inclination to halt the recording, Choko instructed Lug to continue filming and confronted the Xan. Although Dotalo hesitated to be filmed, Choko implored him to share his concerns. Dotalo explained that the conflict between the New Republic and the Empire had resulted in widespread chaos, crime, and famine on his homeworld of Gan Moradir. Moved by the Xan's plight, Choko pledged the Galactic Senate's assistance and inquired if he would consider serving as his world's representative in the Senate. Subsequently, she connected him with another Pantoran official within the Galactic Senate.

Following the interview, Choko confronted New Republic Corporal [Camerand Argell](/article/camerand_argell], who was parading captured Imperial officers and stormtroopers. With Lug documenting the scene, Choko reprimanded the officer for treating prisoners like livestock and commanded him to inform Commander Rohr to halt the parade. When the Corporal argued for celebrating their war victory, Choko countered that the New Republic would not emulate the Empire's behavior.

After Argell led the prisoners away, Kane engaged in a conversation with Choko on live camera. Choko emphasized the New Republic's ongoing commitment to upholding justice. When Kane questioned if the protestor, the orphans, and the prisoner parade signaled potential dangers, Choko responded that the New Republic, as a democracy, was dedicated to striving for what is right. While the Empire prioritized only order, she reiterated that the New Republic would prioritize the greater good above all else. After bidding Kane farewell and promising to hold the New Republic accountable, Choko accompanied a procession of one hundred senators to the provisional Galactic Senate, situated in the old Chandrila Senate house.

Personality and traits

Olia Choko was a female Pantoran characterized by her blue skin. Her golden hair was neatly styled in a simple, practical braid. She favored plain and unassuming dress, and her only adornments were a pair of silver bracelets. As a public relations representative, Choko was adept at smiling. Choko was a just and compassionate woman who deeply cared about the victims of war. She viewed Imperial officers and soldiers as fellow sentient beings and advocated for them when a New Republic officer chose to parade them as "war spoils." Choko held a strong conviction in the righteousness of the New Republic's cause. While acknowledging the inevitability of mistakes, she believed it was crucial for the Republic to remain a democracy.

Behind the scenes

Olia Choko's initial appearance was as a minor character in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel, Aftermath.

