
Lug, a Trandoshan who worked as a camera operator, was present during the Galactic Civil War. He was a companion of the reporter Tracene Kane. During a battle in the city of Binjai-Tin located on the planet Nag Ubdur in 5 ABY, he met his end when he was crushed under a TIE fighter that had crashed.


Dawn of the New Republic

After the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Lug secured a position as a cameraman at the Queen of the Core Network, a news organization that arose concurrently with the establishment of the New Republic. Tracene Kane, a human journalist female, was his co-worker. In that year, Lug went with Kane to the first live broadcast of the network, which took place in Hanna City. Hanna City is the capital of Chandrila and the location of the New Republic's new Galactic Senate. While Kane interviewed Olia Choko, the Pantoran public relations representative for Chancellor Mon Mothma and the new Senate, Lug operated the camera. The interview happened close to a display of stormtrooper helmets adorned with flowers, starbursts, and Rebel Alliance starbirds. Lug was recording the interview when Geeska Dotalo, an irate Xan man, threw overripe fruit at Olia. Kane was about to instruct Lug to stop recording, but Choko told them to continue. Choko then approached the man on live television and asked to hear what was troubling him. Dotalo then told Olia that he was from Gan Moradir, a Mid Rim colony, and that his home planet had been plagued by crime, famine, and chaos ever since the New Republic freed it. Lug kept recording the conversation as Choko gave Dotalo the opportunity to represent Gan Moradir in the Galactic Senate. She made the case that he could support his home planet by working with the New Republic.

After Choko connected Dotalo with a Pantoran New Republic official, Kane told Lug to stop recording. At that time, Lug, Kane, and Choko saw a New Republic officer leading a group of captured Imperial stormtroopers and officers from a remaining garrison on Coruscant. Lug, following Choko's instructions, filmed Choko scolding Corporal Camerand Argell of the New Republic for treating the prisoners like animals. After that, she gave Argell the order to tell Commander Rohr to call off the parade right away.

Lug then filmed Choko and Kane discussing how the New Republic differed from the Empire in that it valued democracy and did not place order above all other considerations. Lug kept filming as a group of senators entered the Chandrila Senate house, the location of the Galactic Senate.

Battle of Binjai-Tin

Later on, Lug and Tracene Kane were with the New Republic Thirty-First during the battles at Binjai-Tin on Nag Ubdur. Imperial forces were engaged in combat with New Republic forces who had invaded the planet. Lug went with Kane as they shot footage of a destroyed structure. They had a floating cam droid with them for this assignment, and Lug was able to give it instructions verbally. Kane proposed interviewing a regular citizen rather than a military officer when Lug suggested contacting Commander Norwich. Lug was perplexed when Kane questioned him about her hair, but he reassured her that it was acceptable.

Lug soon came back with Rorith Khadur, a young Kupohan New Republic soldier who described the fighting at Govneh Ridge. He also said that the Empire had carried out a massacre in Binjai Tin, a Ubdurian trading hub. Lug consoled Khadur by embracing him as he started to cry. Lug gave the man a tooth that had broken off of a zlagfiend, a predatory animal, as a memento. Lug wished the Kupohan well and instructed him to wear the token for good luck.

The two then continued to upload their broadcast on top of a destroyed guild tower. A dozen TIE fighters started strafing the New Republic positions before they could get to the guild tower. The TIE fighters then started a suicide mission, hitting nearby targets and structures. Lug was killed when one of the TIE fighters crashed on him. Kane cried for her friend before starting a broadcast about Lug's life and times.

Personality and traits

Lug was a Trandoshan. Similar to other members of his species, he was raised on hunting, killing, and enjoying death. Lug did not share his people's enthusiasm for violence and hunting, but his upbringing nonetheless had an impact on him. Lug found it difficult to give hugs as a Trandoshan, comparing it to the warmth of a protocol droid seducing a tree stump. Tracene Kane, a fellow news reporter, became close to Lug. Kane sobbed for her friend and made a broadcast in his honor after Lug was killed by a TIE fighter.

Behind the scenes

Lug was a minor character who was first featured in Chuck Wendig's 2015 book Aftermath and its 2016 follow-up, Aftermath: Life Debt. Tracene Kane's point of view is used to convey his lines.

