Ambush at Govneh Ridge

During the Galactic Civil War, Imperial military units laid in wait, springing a trap for soldiers belonging to the New Republic at Govneh Ridge on the world of Nag Ubdur. Despite suffering casualties, the New Republic successfully seized control of Govneh Ridge.


In the Age of the Empire, the planet Nag Ubdur was subjected to extensive strip-mining operations by the Galactic Empire in pursuit of zersium, a crucial mineral utilized in the creation of durasteel. The Ubdurian people called Nag Ubdur home, alongside a sizable population of Keldar and Artiodac displaced persons. Following the Battle of Endor, the Empire and the New Republic engaged in combat to determine control of the planet. The Empire was determined to hold onto Nag Ubdur due to its significant zersium reserves.

The ambush

The New Republic Thirty-First, a ground-based formation within the New Republic army, participated in military actions on Nag Ubdur. One particular engagement occurred at Govneh Ridge, a geologically unstable area characterized by frequent ground swells. The Ridge was distinguished by its prominent crystal formations. Taking advantage of the environment, Imperial forces ambushed the Thirty-First. In the course of the battle, Squad leader Hachinka sustained a gunshot wound to the neck. Her fellow soldiers were able to extract her for medical attention. Ultimately, New Republic forces managed to secure the ridge, but at the cost of numerous lives.


Among those who survived was Rorith Khadur, a Kupohan New Republic enlisted man, who shared his recollection of the battle with Tracene Kane, a journalist working for the Queen of the Core Network, and Lug, a Trandoshan camera operator. Later, the New Republic Thirty-First occupied the Ubdurian settlement of Binjai-Tin, only to discover evidence of a massacre of the civilian population perpetrated by the Empire. Subsequently, Imperial TIE fighters initiated a kamikaze attack on New Republic forces occupying the city.

Production notes

The Ambush at Govneh Ridge was initially referenced in Chuck Wendig's 2016 novel, Aftermath: Life Debt, the second book in The Aftermath Trilogy.

