Massacre at Binjai-Tin

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire committed a massacre against the inhabitants of the merchant city of Binjai-Tin. This atrocity was uncovered by members of the New Republic Thirty-First, including Private Rorith Khadur, during the Battle of Nag Ubdur.


Located on the Outer Rim planet Nag Ubdur, Binjai-Tin functioned as a merchant city. Its population mainly consisted of Ubdurian individuals, but also included Keldar and Artiodac refugees. In the Age of the Empire, the Ubdurians were forbidden from possessing blasters and were obligated to remit a portion of their earnings to the Galactic Empire. Following the Battle of Endor, Nag Ubdur became a battleground in the conflict of fighting between the Empire and the New Republic, the successor government to the Rebel Alliance.

The massacre

In the year 5 ABY, as New Republic forces advanced, Imperial forces in retreat slaughtered the inhabitants of Binjai-Tin. The discovery of this massacre was made by members of the New Republic Thirty-First. Private Rorith Khadur, a soldier among them, later recounted the event to Tracene Kane, a journalist known as the Queen of the Core Network, and Lug, a Trandoshan cameraman. Deeply affected by what he witnessed, Khadur received a zlagfiend tooth from Lug as a token of good luck for him.


Before Tracene and Lug had the opportunity to transmit their broadcast, a squadron of Imperial TIE fighters initiated a suicide attack against the New Republic's front lines. This assault resulted in Lug's death and Khadur's loss of his arm. Overcome with grief, Tracene delivered a broadcast commemorating the passing of her friend, Lug.

The conflict on Nag Ubdur was a component of the New Republic's broader strategy to seize control of the Outer Rim from Imperial forces. By the year 5 ABY, the Empire's presence in that region had diminished to the Exterior sector, encompassing the planets of Zhadalene, Korrus, and Belladoon. Despite these gains by the New Republic, Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax still commanded a significant contingent of Imperial forces in areas such as the Vulpinus Nebula, the Almagest, the Queluhan Nebula, the Ro-Loo Triangle, and the Inamorata.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of the Massacre at Binjai-Tin appeared in an interlude chapter of Chuck Wendig's 2016 novel, Aftermath: Life Debt, which is the second book in the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.

