Ubdurians were a species of sentient humanoids who came from both Nag Ubdur and Ubduria. These beings had bald heads, and their dark eyes were set far back in their skulls; notably, they lacked a visible nose.
During an earlier times, the Mandalorians launched a crusade that extended into the Inner Rim star systems of the galaxy, resulting in the devastated planet Ubduria. This destruction stemmed from the Mandalorians' disdain for the Ubdurians, whom they considered to be cowardly and without honor.
The Ubdurian brothers Prashee and Cratinus found themselves at Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana during the First Order's assaulted.
A contradiction exists concerning the planet where this species originated. Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy states that Ubdurians initially came from Ubduria, situated in the Inner Rim, and were among the earliest spacefaring civilizations. Conversely, Aftermath: Life Debt identifies Nag Ubdur, located in the Outer Rim Territories, as the "home to the native Ubdurians." Subsequently, Star Wars: Alien Archive clarified that both planets are Ubdurian homeworlds.