Tracene Kane was a human female employed as a journalist on Chandrila during the time of the Galactic Civil War. She shared a close bond with her cameraman, Lug, a Trandoshan, who tragically died in action at Binjai-Tin on the planet Nag Ubdur in 5 ABY. Later, Tracene, alongside her new Sullustan colleague Birt, documented the press conference of Chancellor Mon Mothma concerning the discovery of Imperial forces on Jakku before the Battle of Jakku.
During both the Age of the Empire and the subsequent rise of the New Republic, Tracene Kane served as a female human journalist. Following the Battle of Endor, Kane became affiliated with the Queen of the Core Network, a news outlet on the HoloNet that emerged with the New Republic's establishment. Together with her Trandoshan cameraman, Lug, she conducted an interview with Olia Choko, the public relations representative for Chancellor Mon Mothma and the newly formed Galactic Senate, then headquartered in Hanna City on Chandrila.
Before the interview commenced, Kane assured Olia that her appearance as a pretty alien would generate positive attention. Choko then instructed Kane and Lug to position their camera to capture Hanna City's skyline and the stormtrooper helmet display in the city's central area. Once Lug had set up the camera, Kane began the broadcast, announcing the launch of the Queen of the Core Network. During the interview, a Xan individual named Geeska Dotalo interrupted, expressing his discontent with the chaos, crime, and famine resulting from the fighting between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire on his home planet of Gan Moradir, and striking Choko in the face.
Although Kane instructed Lug to stop filming, Choko insisted they continue recording the incident. After hearing Dotalo's grievances, Kane offered him a position as Gan Moradir's representative in the Galactic Senate and sought out another New Republic official to address Dotalo's concerns. Kane and Lug resumed filming as Choko confronted Corporal Camerand Argell of the New Republic and criticized him for displaying Imperial prisoners of war. She compelled Agrell and his superior officer, Commander [Rohr](/article/rohr], to halt the humiliating parade.
Kane praised Choko for her actions and then questioned whether the protestor, the orphans, and the prisoner parade indicated potential dangers for the emerging New Republic. Choko responded that the New Republic was a democracy committed to doing things right. She emphasized that, unlike the Empire's emphasis on order above all else, the New Republic prioritized the greater good. Choko then joined a procession of New Republic senators heading towards the old Chandrila Senate house. As Choko departed, Kane jokingly wished her luck, saying "knock 'em dead."
Tracene Kane and Lug were later integrated with the New Republic Thirty-First, which participated in combat in the city of Binjai-Tin on Nag Ubdur in 5 ABY. Kane covered her mouth with a white cloth to mask the odor of decaying bodies. Lug, whose species were naturally skilled hunters and warriors, remained unaffected by the devastation. They collaborated with a cam droid to record footage of a collapsed wall. When Kane asked Lug to find someone for an interview, the Trandoshan suggested Commander Norwich, but Kane preferred to interview a common soldier.
When Kane inquired about her hair, expressing her intention for a "battle-frizzled look," Lug assured her that it looked acceptable. Imperial forces were positioned approximately ten klicks away. Lug soon returned with a young Kupohan New Republic soldier named Private Rorith Khadur. Khadur recounted the fighting at Govneh Ridge and described how he and his comrades discovered that Imperial forces had massacred the inhabitants of the Ubdurian city of Binjai-Tin. Kane observed Lug comforting the soldier and gifting him a zlagfiend tooth as a keepsake.
Kane and Lug then proceeded to upload their report at a nearby guild tower. However, the besieged Imperial forces launched a suicide attack using a TIE fighter on the New Republic's positions. Khadur lost an arm in the attack, while Lug was fatally crushed by the crashing TIE fighter. Grief-stricken by her friend's death, Kane delivered a broadcast in his memory.
Following reports from Temmin Wexley and Sinjir Rath Velus that the Empire had relocated to Jakku, a world in the Inner Rim, Tracene Kane and Birt, a Sullustan cam-operator, secured an exclusive interview with Chancellor Mothma. Before delivering her press statement, Mon Mothma engaged in a conversation with Miss Kane. When Kane mentioned her recent field coverage of the war, Mothma inquired why she had returned to covering political matters. Kane responded that she could no longer bear to witness the war. Mon concurred, noting that war could appear as a pleasant dream after prolonged exposure to the grim reality of politics.
As Birt operated the hovering camera, Tracene listened as Mothma read her prepared statement. Mothma announced that she had learned the previous day of the possibility that the Empire had retreated to Jakku. She also revealed that the New Republic Defense Force had dispatched a scout ship, the Oculus, under the command of Ensign Ardin Deltura, along with probe droids, to investigate the Imperial presence. Mothma also acknowledged her awareness of the information leak. The Chancellor concluded her address by announcing the convening of an emergency session of the Galactic Senate to mobilize the New Republic military.
Following Mothma's press statement, Tracene assured the Chancellor that she had performed well and dismissed any suggestion that Mothma sounded apprehensive. When Kane asked whether it was difficult to be under pressure from all sides, Mothma replied that the New Republic would endure, just as the Rebel Alliance had done before them.
Tracene Kane was a tall, slender human woman with long, dark hair styled in a wave-like manner. She wore a necklace resembling a flock of birds linked together. She possessed a wide, practiced smile. Kane had a good sense of humor and held Olia Choko in high regard for her selfless dedication to the New Republic and the greater good. Kane was meticulous about her hair and, at one point, desired a "battle-frizzled look." She maintained a close friendship with Lug, the Trandoshan cam-operator, and was visibly devastated by his death while covering a battle on Nag Ubdur. Tracene was so affected by her wartime experiences that she shifted her focus to covering political news for HoloNet News. She provided encouragement to Chancellor Mothma during a particularly challenging period for the Chancellor.
Tracene Kane initially appeared as a minor point-of-view character in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel Aftermath and its 2016 sequel, Aftermath: Life Debt.