Birt, a Sullustan of portly build and characterized by a toothless grin, held the position of camera operator for the HoloNet News. In 5 ABY, he collaborated with reporter Tracene Kane to record a declaration by Chancellor Mon Mothma of the New Republic. This took place in the early hours on the planet Chandrila, and concerned accusations that she had been hiding information about the Galactic Empire's presence on Jakku from the citizens. Prior to commencement of the interview, Birt attached the floating camera to the holoprojector platform and, in Sullustese, verified the readiness of the equipment for the chancellor. Subsequently, he managed the equipment throughout the recording and terminated the broadcast upon its conclusion, all within the standard year.
Birt's initial introduction to the Star Wars universe occurred in Aftermath: Empire's End, a novel published in 2017 and authored by Chuck Wendig.