Ardin Deltura

Ardin Deltura was a male individual holding the rank of ensign, serving in both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and its successor, the New Republic. His romantic partner was Officer Niriian, and he enjoyed a position of trust with Commander Agate.


Supporting Lando Calrissian

Around 4 ABY, Ardin Deltura functioned as an ensign within the ranks of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. After the rescue of Han Solo, Admiral Gial Ackbar dispatched a message to Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma, advocating for Lando Calrissian's inclusion in Rebel Alliance Starfighter Command. This recommendation came after Deltura and Nien Nunb's endorsements dispelled the Mon Calamari's lingering reservations about Calrissian.

Uprising on Akiva

Subsequently, Deltura found himself serving in the New Republic Defense Fleet in the months following the Battle of Endor. While Ackbar was engaged in a simulated combat exercise within his private quarters aboard the Home One, Deltura entered to relay the information that they had been unable to locate Captain Wedge Antilles since his most recent scouting assignment to the planet Raydonia. When Ackbar inquired as to why Commander Kyrsta Agate was not delivering the message, Deltura indicated that his superior officer was occupied with repair duties.

Deltura verified that Antilles had discovered no indications of Imperial presence on Raydonia. Deltura suggested to Ackbar that the search for Antilles should focus on the five planets closest to Raydonia: Mustafar, Geonosis, Dermos, Akiva, and Tatooine. Following this, Deltura made Ackbar aware of fresh intelligence received from the enigmatic Imperial informant known as the Operator. Upon Ackbar's question regarding how an Ensign could access such confidential data, Deltura explained that Agate had granted him special authorization.

Deltura proceeded to communicate the Operator's message to Ackbar. When Ackbar pressed Deltura about the certainty of the message's accuracy, the Ensign stated that they possessed no other spies operating in the region. Ackbar then instructed Deltura to deploy scout units to each of the five planets, including two to Akiva. Later, Deltura was assigned to the Carrack-class light cruiser Oculus, where his romantic interest Niriian held the position of science officer. After Deltura directed Nirriian to deploy the Viper probe droid BALK1 into the Kinro debris field, he extended an invitation for her to join him for dinner and rest.

Subsequently, Deltura and Niriian observed a New Republic probe droid positioned above Akiva, which captured footage of a transport ship carrying New Republic Special Forces being destroyed by Imperial turbolasers. Upon analyzing the recorded material, Deltura and Niriian came to the conclusion that Sergeant Jom Barell had survived the attack due to his activation of his parawings. Deltura and Niriian communicated this analysis to Ackbar, who then instructed them to maintain surveillance of the situation unfolding on Akiva.

Later, Deltura, together with Agate, General Crix Madine, and Chancellor Mon Mothma, received Antilles' transmission, which warned of a high-level Imperial meeting taking place on Akiva. He was present when Ackbar gave the order for a small New Republic fleet to be dispatched to Akiva.

Skirmish of Jakku

Following Temmin Wexley and Sinjir Rath Velus's return from Jakku with information indicating that Imperial fleets were congregating above the Inner Rim planet, Mothma and Ackbar placed Deltura in command of the Oculus and sent him on a reconnaissance mission to assess the Imperial fleet. The intelligence gathered by Deltura prompted Mothma to urge the Galactic Senate to deploy New Republic forces to Jakku. He continued to transmit updates on Imperial fleet movements to Ackbar. After a re-vote concerning Nakadia, New Republic forces converged on Jakku, setting the stage for the decisive Battle of Jakku.

Character and Qualities

Deltura was a young cadet holding the rank of Ensign after the Battle of Endor. Agate trusted him with classified information, such as the Imperial informant Operator's intelligence on Imperial fleet movements. Deltura was romantically involved with science officer Niriian and once invited her to dinner and rest. He was trained to handle probe droids and analyze their footage. Deltura was praised for detecting the Imperial presence on Akiva and was sent on a mission to scout the Imperial fleets above Jakku.

Behind the scenes

Ardin Deltura was introduced as a supporting character in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel Aftermath.

