
Within the Desilijic kajidic during the Clone Wars era, a Huttlet named Rotta came into existence. His father, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, playfully called him "Pedunkee Mufkin," which translates to "Punky Muffin." However, Ahsoka Tano had a different nickname for him: "Stinky." Rotta's lineage is quite extensive, as he is the grandson of Zorba Desilijic Tiure, the great-nephew of Ziro, Jiliac, and Pazda, and the cousin of both Gorga and Grubba Desilijic Aarrpo.



In 32 BBY, Rotta entered the world as the offspring of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a notorious Hutt crime lord and leading figure within the Desilijic clan. Breaking from traditional Huttlet upbringing, Rotta didn't spend his initial fifty years inside his parent's brood pouch. Jabba desired his son to gain firsthand exposure to the galaxy.

Clone Wars

Rotta in a GAR backpack.

During the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, at merely 10 standard years of age, Rotta participated in a leisure cruise aboard his father's barge when an assault occurred on his escort skiffs. With only one survivor left to inform Jabba, the Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress kidnapped the Huttlet under the orders of Sith Lord Count Dooku, in collaboration with Rotta's great-uncle, Ziro. He was transported on the Trident to the B'omarr Monastery on the planet Teth. This abduction led Jabba to strike a bargain with the Galactic Republic: Rotta's rescue in exchange for unrestricted access through his shipping lanes.

While imprisoned on Teth, Rotta fell ill, potentially due to an unfamiliarity with the planet's environment. After being incarcerated, Rotta's cell door was opened, leading the distressed Huttlet to cry out upon seeing Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka remarked on Rotta's cuteness, to which Skywalker responded that Rotta wouldn't be so cute when he matured. However, while being escorted back to the monastery's exterior, Ahsoka noticed Rotta's illness and alerted her master, prompting Skywalker to request a backpack for Rotta. The arrival of Separatist reinforcements and their attack on the squad forced Rotta and the others back inside. While Rex and the clones guarded the entrance, Rotta, still carried by Ahsoka, Skywalker, and R2-D2, ventured further into the monastery, eventually reaching the throne room. By this time, Rotta had fallen asleep, and Ahsoka placed him on the throne.

At some point, Rotta awoke and began crawling beneath the throne. When Captain Rex, influenced by Ventress, requested their location, Skywalker searched for Rotta and retrieved him from under the throne. After the group reached the docking station at the monastery's rear, they were confronted by Ventress and two droidekas, prompting R2-D2 to seal the door. When Skywalker lamented their lack of options, Rotta's wail drew attention to another docking station with a ship. Following a duel between Ventress—who breached the previously locked door—and Tano, Rotta and the others traveled to the docking station via can-cells. Upon reaching the docking station, Skywalker entrusted R2 with carrying Rotta, while Ahsoka neutralized several battle droids and another droid. R2 then carried Rotta onto the ship, where Skywalker's attempts to aid his troops endangered Rotta's safety, prompting Ahsoka to intervene.

En route to their ship, they were pursued by vulture droids, one of which collided with the star destroyer's side-docking doors, causing Rotta to wail. Unable to transport Rotta to a med station onboard the frigate, they were compelled to journey to Tatooine. As Rotta's condition worsened, Tano went to search for medical supplies. During her absence, Anakin reassured Rotta that they would ensure his safe return to his father, displaying a growing affection for the Huttlet. With the assistance of a hologram of a medical droid, Tano successfully treated Rotta's illness, albeit with the side effect of causing him to burp.

Rotta, with his father, listening to Senator Padmé Amidala's negotiations.

During their hyperspace journey, Rotta eventually fell asleep, only to be awakened by a dogfight between the Jedi and several IG-100 MagnaGuards. The Twilight was ultimately shot down in Tatooine's orbit by enemy forces. Following the crash, Anakin carried Rotta on his back and began traversing the treacherous Dune Sea. At one point, Rotta appeared to sense the approaching dark side and sought refuge inside Anakin's pack. To safeguard Rotta, Skywalker filled his pack with rocks to divert Count Dooku's attention, while Tano and R2-D2 escorted Rotta to his father. When Magna Guards obstructed their path, Tano defeated them. Ahsoka and Rotta eventually reached his father's palace, but just as Jabba was about to execute Skywalker, believing the Jedi had killed his son, Tano arrived with the rescued Rotta. Jabba was overjoyed by his son's safety, and Ahsoka handed Rotta over to him after he woke up. However, as Jabba was about to have Rotta's saviors executed, he closed his eyes, but Rotta's great-uncle Ziro Desilijic Tiure called for Jabba. Instead of Ziro appearing, Senator Padmé Amidala appeared and presented evidence implicating Ziro in orchestrating the kidnapping. Consequently, Jabba agreed to sign the Republic's treaty, but not before settling his score with Ziro.

A year later, when Notluwiski Papanoida arrived at Jabba's Palace in search of his daughters, Rotta was present alongside his father. Upon the Baron's arrival, Rotta began playing with a bug, beating it to death on Jabba's tail, prompting Jabba to reprimand him. The Baron appealed to Jabba's paternal instincts, requesting assistance in finding his own missing daughters. Jabba glanced at his son, smiled, and relented, allowing Papanoida to present evidence against the bounty hunter, Greedo, and subsequently take the Rodian with him.

In 20 BBY, Jabba, upon learning of the activities of the Shadow Collective, evacuated Rotta from his palace before the arrival of Darth Maul and his criminal army.


In 4 ABY, Zorba Desilijic Tiure, Rotta's grandfather, revealed Jabba's Will, asserting that Jabba had no heirs to inherit his criminal empire, thus designating Zorba as the successor. However, the Hutt courts later declared Jabba's "Will" a forgery.

Personality and traits

As a Hutt born into the affluent Desilijic kajidic, Rotta appeared to be frequently indulged by his father, the prosperous crimelord Kajidii Jabba Desilijic Tiure, as evidenced by Rotta's solo cruise with two skiff escorts. Rotta seemed to exhibit fear on occasion, often with valid reasons. Despite his youth, Rotta demonstrated an aptitude for problem-solving when others struggled, as demonstrated when Ahsoka and Anakin were unable to resolve their predicament with Ventress, but Rotta could. Rotta also appeared to be very cheerful and easily amused, for example, when Anakin had his "we're in trouble look", Rotta and Ahsoka were amused when Tano said that they couldn't miss it.

Rotta possessed grayish-green skin and orange-brown eyes. He was also small, measuring 0.43 meters in height.

Behind the scenes

The name "Rotta" initially surfaced on a Preliminary Image of a LEGO AT-TE set slated for release under the Clone Wars TV series banner. Subsequent leaked information, including his LEGO depiction, suggested he was a young or diminutive Hutt, potentially Jabba's son or a close relative. A Clone Wars action figure card officially confirmed his status as Jabba's son.

Within Star Wars Galaxies, a backpack resembling a plush Rotta in the GAR backpack was available for purchase during the 2009 Galactic Moon Festival. However, the Republic symbol was replaced by the glowing moon and bat emblem of the Galactic Moon Festival.

