Rycrit wrap

Rycrit wraps, a food item made from rycrit creatures, were a kind of wrap Krantians could eat. These wraps were available at the Republic Fair on the planet Valo, situated in the Outer Rim, in the year 231 BBY. A Krantian woman named Lerahel told her son, Sarry, that she would get him one for lunch. Later that day, after Sarry finished his rycrit wrap, he started yearning for a bantha milkshake as a sweet treat. His mother eventually gave in and got him the milkshake. However, Sarry then tried to tell her he was still hungry even after eating both the wrap and the milkshake. Samera Ra-oon, the fair's coordinator, found this amusing as she overheard their exchange through an audio feed.

Behind the scenes

The novel The High Republic: The Rising Storm, penned by Cavan Scott in 2021, featured rycrit wraps. This novel was a part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.

