Rylee Dray, a Human female, resided on Nar Shaddaa during the era of the Cold War. She was once affiliated with the Cult of the Screaming Blade, which was under the control of the Sith Lord known as Paladius. However, she and Destris Veran abandoned the cult when they realized that all of Paladius's promises were nothing more than fabrications. As retribution, Paladius's cultists were about to execute them, but they were rescued by the arrival of the apprentice of Darth Zash, who was pursuing Paladius to obtain his artifact. Destris suggested that the Sith Inquisitor take control of the Krayts gang to gain support from the lower classes, while Rylee proposed finding a cure for the disease known as the Rot to achieve a similar effect, both agreeing that the best strategy to lure Paladius out was to seize control of his cult. After relocating to Strell House in the Promenade, Rylee and Destris informed the Inquisitor about the assembly of Paladius's followers in Meridian Hall. They presented a scheme to deceive his supporters by triggering the gas lines that ran behind the hall, simulating an artificial Groundquake, and they arranged for the Sith to meet with Gord Madel. Following a demonstration of power, Paladius extended an invitation to Rylee, Destris, and the Sith to convene with him at his sanctuary. There, he made an attempt to eliminate the Sith, but he was ultimately defeated.
Despite Paladius's desperate appeals, he met his end, and Rylee and Destris assumed control of the cult, amassing power for their new master. Around the year 3641 BBY, the Sith, now known as Lord Kallig, sought them out in pursuit of a CN-12 sensor chip. Rylee and Destris revealed that the Veil, their rival organization, possessed the chip.
A male Inquisitor has the option to romance Rylee. Should Rylee and Destris be killed off in the dark side choice, Paladius will once again be the leader of the cult. If the light side choice is made, Rylee and Destris are spared and lead the cult under the Inquisitor's guidance, but they risk losing control later due to the Veil. Otherwise, they will be present when their master ascends to the Dark Council.