Paladius, a male Sith Pureblood, was a rogue Sith Lord within the newly reformed Sith Empire during the time of the Cold War. On Nar Shaddaa, he founded his personal cult and was in possession of an artifact that once belonged to Tulak Hord.
Lord Paladius's early years were unremarkable; he was a Sith Lord who possessed charisma but was considered minor. He lacked interest in both conquering territory and delving into the dark secrets of the Force, which led him to abandon Imperial territory for Nar Shaddaa.
On Nar Shaddaa, he discovered numerous oppressed individuals who proved to be easily manipulated. He took advantage of their intense loyalty to establish his own Cult of the Screaming Blade, from which he benefited greatly.
Paladius encountered Kallig, the apprentice of Darth Zash, when they were dispatched to Nar Shaddaa. With assistance from Rylee Dray and Destris Veran, they successfully infiltrated Paladius's rally. Paladius commanded his cultists to engage Kallig, but the cultists were defeated. Subsequently, Paladius contacted Kallig, offering the artifact without further conflict. Kallig, accompanied by Dray and Veran, proceeded to Paladius's main base. Upon arrival, Paladius calmly offered Kallig a drink, but it was soon revealed to be a deception. Paladius severed Kallig's connection to the Force and launched an attack on the young Sith. However, Kallig overwhelmed and defeated Paladius. Paladius immediately pledged his complete allegiance to Kallig. Despite protests from Veran and Dray, Kallig betrayed them, killing Veran by throwing him from the base's main platform. Paladius then assured Dray that she would survive, but would be punished. Dray attempted to escape, but Paladius killed her with Force lightning. Kallig then left Paladius in command of the cult, acting in their name.
When Moff Pyron made contact with the now Lord Kallig, Pyron agreed to support Kallig against Darth Thanaton if Kallig could provide the CN-12 sensor chip. Pyron informed Kallig that their cult on Nar Shaddaa could provide assistance. Kallig then met with the cult on Nar Shaddaa. Paladius welcomed Kallig and assured them that they represented the future of the Sith. When Kallig inquired about the CN-12 chips, Paladius explained that the Veil had interfered, making them temporarily unavailable. Kallig then journeyed to the Veil's safe house, where three individuals each claimed to be "the Veil." They demanded that Kallig surrender the cult to them, in exchange Kallig would gain numerous Veil members as servants throughout the galaxy. Kallig saw through the deception and eliminated them all. Kallig returned to Paladius, who greeted them and expressed gratitude. Kallig then informed Pyron of their success.
Paladius was among the individuals who pledged loyalty to Darth Nox upon their ascension to the Dark Council.
Paladius possessed the ability to wield Force lightning and Force push. During his conversation with Kallig, it was implied that he could also utilize Force choke.
Paladius had a unique ability that enabled him to drain the essence from beings in his immediate vicinity. He could also disrupt their connection to the Force. He relied heavily on this ability.
Paladius possessed some proficiency with a lightsaber, as demonstrated when he attempted to strike down Kallig after disrupting their connection to the Force. Despite this, Kallig was still able to defeat Paladius.
The player has the option to eliminate Paladius and transfer control of the cult to Dray and Veran.
If Paladius is spared and the player later consents to allowing the Veil to take control of the cult, Paladius expresses shock and rebukes the player for allowing their power to inflate their ego. He suggests that Kallig should be taught a lesson. Paladius then attacks the player, but is defeated for a second time and killed.