San Herrera, a Human possessing sensitivity to the Force, dedicated himself to numerous humanitarian endeavors, often collaborating with fellow Force-sensitive individual Nia Reston. Although they knew the Almas Academy could potentially enroll them as pupils, even given their age, they believed that the established methods of the Jedi were not suited to their preferences.
During 31 BBY, San and Nia were involved in a distinctly unbalanced trading arrangement with the Hiironi irstat. Their practice involved transporting advanced technological items to the Tarasin people in return for indigenous handicrafts of significantly lower worth. They employed workers from Gadrin to assist with the transportation of these goods. The majority of the items provided to the Hiironi by San and Nia were unneeded by the Tarasin; however, the Tarasin observed that assisting the "primitives" gave Nia and San a sense of fulfillment, and therefore permitted the practice to continue.
In 19 BBY, San and Nia met their demise when Len Markus made contact with them using the Darkstaff, transforming them into zombies.