A youthful woman, known as Sasha ot Sulem, communicated utilizing a very peculiar dialect. As a youngster, Sasha ot Sulem was abducted from her family's care by Mandalorian marauders. After residing amongst them for a number of years, Sulem eventually managed to escape their grasp and secretly boarded the Ebon Hawk, a spaceship under the control of the former Sith Lord, Revan. Upon discovering Sulem, the redeemed Sith attempted to convince Sulem to return to her family, but discovered her speech was a dialect unique to her, although Revan perceived the language to possess a resemblance to the Mandalorian tongue of Mando'a. Despite his lack of familiarity with the unusual dialect, through effort and potentially the Force, Revan was able to communicate sufficiently with the young woman to persuade her to depart the Ebon Hawk with the Twi'lek Lur Arka Sulas, who had been in search of Sasha ot Sulem at the request of her father, Rundil ot Sulem.
This language was composed of the following words and phrases:

- abds - hurt
- bristag - spaceship
- esowon - to see
- hoot bad liaz Manlorey? - Why are you scared of the Mandalorians?
- gon-disen - to love
- in - in
- kapsie - speak/talk
- kesta-won - take, move
- laesfa - house, home
- ma - I; me; my
- ma na esowon - I'm hiding
- ma voule kesta-won miam nu ghis - I'd like some food right now
- manlorey - mandalorian
- yum - food
- na - [negation adverb]
- na abds - don't hurt me!
- na esowon - to hide
- na nu ghis - not now; before
- nu ghis - now
- stin-quiw - sleep
- tabed - talk about
- tabed me - tell me
- wooba - my
- _wooba soosa ___ - my name is __
- yooba - you
- yooba palkie - You have to go
- Yb - Goodbye/bye
The dialect, along with its main speaker Sasha ot Sulem, was initially featured in the Star Wars video game Knights of the Old Republic, developed by BioWare and launched on July 15, 2003. The exchange between Sasha ot Sulem and the player's character, Revan, is a small puzzle, where the player is required to understand and respond to the unfamiliar language in order to progress the questline and assist Sulem.
While in conversation with Sulem, Revan states that he comprehends the Mandalorian language—implying a degree of similarity between the two dialects—but points out that Sulem's dialect is different, her words being "mixed up" and changed into a unique language that differs from the one spoken by the Mandalorian people. The Mandalorian language itself was later crafted as a functional constructed language by musical composer Jesse Harlin and author Karen Traviss for the Republic Commando game and novel series. The actual Mandalorian language, called Mando'a, bears little similarity to the dialect spoken by Sasha ot Sulem, with a number of distinct vocabulary differences apparent between Sulem's speech and the established Mandalorian lexicon.