The Scyre tongue represented a regional variation of the Galactic Basic language, utilized on the underdeveloped world of Parnassos. Both the Scyre people and their adversaries, the Claw clan, communicated using it. The divergence from the established Galactic Basic Standard was significant enough that the protocol droid known as DDM-38 provided interpretive services between First Order General Brendol Hux and the inhabitants of Parnassos following the crash of Hux's vessel. Nevertheless, with deliberate enunciation and focused listening, understanding between Galactic Basic Standard and the Scyre tongue was achievable.
The First Order's military viewed the Scyre tongue as unsophisticated. Terms such as "government" and "military" were absent from its vocabulary. In contrast to Galactic Basic Standard, the Scyre tongue featured abbreviated vowel sounds coupled with elongated consonant pronunciations. Phasma was a native speaker of the Scyre tongue, but she rapidly modified her accent and speech to align with the Standard dialect employed by Brendol Hux upon their initial encounter.