A seallia sandwich was a type of toasted sandwich that could be eaten as a breakfast meal. Sama Macoy, a Devaronian chef, prepared a seallia sandwich, double-toasted and slathered with a rich, sugary blood syrup, as her submission for the opening round of a culinary contest. This competition aimed to find the next sous-chef for Maz Kanata's castle, located on the planet Takodana, which was a haven for pirate activity. Strono Tuggs, an Artiodac who was the head chef at the castle, regarded the seallia sandwich as his top pick from the initial round, where participants were challenged to design a breakfast plate.
In the year 9 BBY, on the planet, a B1-series battle droid told a famished member of the Bedlam Raiders that a seallia sandwich was available at a distance of 68 parsecs.
The seallia sandwich made its debut in the short story "A Recipe for Death," penned by Landry Q. Walker. It was included in the anthology Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens: Volume I, which was released on April 5, 2016.