A subsequent engagement unfolded within the Sepan system during the year 3 ABY.
In the course of the Sepan campaign, a collective of Ripoblus refugees, primarily composed of scientists, sought to escape the Sepan Civil War. They utilized a commandeered System patrol craft named Glas, accompanied by a pair of Lambda-class shuttles. Imperial forces, under the leadership of Admiral Harkov, extended an offer of sanctuary to the refugees. Given the Glass's inability to perform hyperspace jumps, they consented to docking with the Victory I-class Star Destroyer known as the Protector. They then faced an assault from Ripoblus government forces, with Dimok forces closely trailing behind.
TIE Interceptor Gamma Squadron, which had Maarek Stele as a member, moved to intercept the Ripoblus Y-wings and Shuttles as they attacked the refugees. Shortly after the battle began, Dimok Y-wings and Lambda shuttles arrived with the same objective of stopping the refugees, but neither achieved their goal. The Glas then successfully docked with the Protector, and all individuals abandoned the craft, setting it on an autopilot course to drift into the vastness of space. Unexpectedly, a group of 4 Ripoblus Escort shuttles appeared and launched an assault on the Protector, but all were destroyed. The two Shuttles Nazaar then docked into the hanger of the Protector