
Seeth'tal was a Jedi Knight of the Zabrak species, and a male individual, who served the Jedi Order during the declining years of the Galactic Republic. During a search mission for Jedi Master Kirlocca in the Almas Wastelands, he was briefly influenced by the dark side of the Force.


Seeth'tal was discovered to have Force-sensitive abilities shortly after his birth on his home planet of Iridonia, and subsequently, he was taken to be trained in the ways of the Force. Following his time at a Jedi Order's academies and after he passed his Trials of Knighthood after spending time as a Padawan, the Jedi High Council elevated Seeth'tal to the rank of Jedi Knight.

Seeth'tal was stationed at the academy located on Almas, under the leadership of Headmaster Lanius Qel-Bertuk, where he dutifully served the Order and continued his studies of the Force. In 31 BBY, Seeth'tal was present at the Academy when a terrorist group launched an attack on Remembrance Hall. Master Qel-Bertuk gave the order for all Jedi to return to the Academy, but Master Kirlocca and his students did not respond from their position in the Almas Wasteland. Qel-Bertuk then put together a team of Jedi, with Tantron Dow as the leader, which included his Padawan Alkin Saad, Jedi Trevon Rey, Seeth'tal, and Syr Tal-Soten, with the mission to find Kirlocca and his students and bring them back to the academy. As the team journeyed through the wastelands, Tal-Soten experienced a vision indicating Master Kirlocca's betrayal of the Order, and everyone present became convinced that this would occur. The Jedi had been affected by the intense surge of the dark side of the Force present in the wastelands, which resulted in them all becoming mentally unstable. After crashing their shuttle in the wastelands, the mentally unstable rescue team continued their pursuit of Kirlocca on foot.

Having lost communication with the academy, Qel-Bertuk dispatched another search team to retrieve the first team and Master Kirlocca. The second team discovered the wreckage of the downed shuttle, which was being scavenged by Squib salvagers, and stopped to investigate. Inside, they found the body of Padawan Saad and the disoriented and frantic Duros Master Dow. After calming the crazed Jedi, he pointed them in the direction that Jedi Seeth'tal and the others had taken in their search for Kirlocca. Upon arriving at Kirlocca's abandoned campsite, where Seeth'tal and his group had killed a Jedi and injured Padawan Hary'nkel, the Twi'lek girl revealed that Tal-Soten and his group had attacked them and the others had fled further into the wastes. Following the sounds of lightsaber combat, the second search party happened upon Jedi Seeth'tal engaged in fighting Kirlocca and his surviving campers. The search party quickly helped subdue Rey, Seeth'tal, and Sal-Toten, all of whom were taken back to the academy for evaluation.

