Sesfan, who achieved the military rank of lieutenant within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, collaborated with Admiral Gial Ackbar during the evacuation from Yavin 4. Subsequently, Sesfan rose to the position of commander within the Resistance and oversaw engineering operations on the bridge of the MC85 Star Cruiser known as the Raddus. Tragically, Sesfan perished, along with numerous other individuals, when First Order TIE Fighter Pilots breached the ship's bridge during the Battle of Oetchi.
- Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 24 (Starship Fact File: Mon Calamari Star Cruiser) (First mentioned)
- Star Wars: The Rebel Files
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary
- " The Training of Rey and the Battle of Crait " — Star Wars Encyclopedia