Settie-class drop ship

The Settie-class drop ship designates a dropship type utilized by the Separatist naval forces during the Clone Wars. A notably unimpressive example of these ships was located on the world of Vallt in 21 BBY. It was there that Galactic Republic Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic carried out the rescue of scientist Galen Erso and his relatives from Separatist forces. Not long after departing from Tambolor prison, Krennic gave Commander Prakas the order to eliminate the vessel.

Behind the scenes

The Settie-class drop ship made its debut in James Luceno's book, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, which was released in 2016. This novel also included a Separatist drop ship design that was participating in the Lokori engagement; however, it remains unconfirmed whether that design is the Settie or another, distinct vehicle.

