Shadow was one of four members who comprised Unit Aurek-Seven, a part of the 501st Legion within the Empire of the Hand. The members of this Unit were Twister, Cloud, Watchman, and Shadow himself.
He provided assistance to the Eickaries during the liberation of Kariek, which involved removing the Warlord from power after he seized control of the planet. After they breached the fortress with the help of a resistance group lead by Su-mil through an entryway that was not well known, they aided the Eickaries in freeing the Warlords prisoners. Shadow took charge of a group of Eickarie resistance fighters and liberated prisoners, guiding them to support the Imperial forces as they attempted to enter the fortress through the tunnel network.
Later on, in 22 ABY, Shadow accompanied Chak Fel on the Chaf Envoy to the Redoubt along with the rest of Unit Aurek-Seven, acting as a protective detail for the commander. Shadow also fought in the Battle of the Redoubt, assisting Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker in their mission to safeguard the remnants of Outbound Flight from the Vagaari. After the battle concluded, Commander Fel directed the Unit to join General Drask's Chiss task force as they ventured into Vagaari space.