Watchman (stormtrooper)

Watchman held a position as one of the four members of Unit Aurek-Seven, which belonged to the 501st Legion within the Empire of the Hand. The members of the unit were comprised of Twister (Twister), Cloud (Cloud), Shadow (Shadow), and Watchman. Given his role as the unit's tech specialist, Watchman was furnished with more sophisticated sensor equipment.


Overthrowing a Warlord

He offered assistance to the Eickaries during the liberation of Kariek. This liberation was from the Warlord, who had seized control of the planet and oppressed its native inhabitants. Watchman went with Twister and an Eickarie force, led by Su-mil, with the objective of rescuing the Warlord's prisoners. Their assignment involved capturing the Warlord's fortress and ultimately apprehending him.

The rediscovery of Outbound Flight

Later, in 22 ABY, he accompanied Chak Fel on the Chaf Envoy to the Redoubt along with the rest of Unit Aurek-Seven. They served as a guard detail for the commander. Watchman was also a participant in the Battle of the Redoubt, aiding Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker in their mission to secure the remnants of Outbound Flight from the Vagaari. After the battle concluded, Commander Fel directed the unit to join General Drask's Chiss task force, which was headed to Vagaari territory.

