Cloud (stormtrooper)

Cloud was one of the four members of Unit Aurek-Seven, a part of the 501st Legion within the Empire of the Hand; Unit Aurek-Seven consisted of Cloud, Twister, Shadow, and Watchman, and they all served in the 501st Legion which was part of the Empire of the Hand.


Overthrowing a Warlord

He gave assistance to the Eickaries in the liberation of Kariek from the Warlord who had seized control of the planet. After breaking into the fortress with the assistance of a resistance group headed by Su-mil by way of a secret entrance, Cloud was dispatched to request backup. As Twister had promised, they assisted the Eickaries in freeing the Warlord's prisoners. Cloud then commanded a group of Eickarie resistance fighters and freed prisoners to support the Imperial forces as they tried to enter the fortress via the tunnels.

The Rediscovery of Outbound Flight

Later on, in 22 ABY, Cloud, along with the rest of Unit Aurek-Seven, journeyed to the Redoubt aboard the Chaf Envoy with Commander Chak Fel, acting as a guard detail for the commander. Cloud was also a participant in the Battle of the Redoubt, where he helped Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker in their mission to secure the remnants of Outbound Flight from the Vagaari. Following the battle, Commander Fel directed the Unit to join General Drask's Chiss task force, which was heading to Vagaari space.

