Shafu's ship

The starship belonged to a Rodian slaver, and he utilized it in the years leading up to the Great Galactic War that pitted the Sith Empire against the Galactic Republic. T7-O1, an astromech droid, functioned as the vessel's navigator; however, the droid remained unaware of Shafu's slaving activities, as he never ventured into the cargo hold where Shafu kept his "goods". Sometime prior to 3681 BBY, Ven Zallow, a Jedi Master, located Shafu. Instead of killing or apprehending him, Zallow successfully persuaded Shafu to change his ways. Subsequently, the smuggler became a clandestine operative for the Jedi. Shafu continued to employ his ship in this capacity for decades. In 3653 BBY, Terrin Sandafar, a bounty hunter, murdered the Rodian because of Shafu's investigations into an Imperial spy ring. Sandafar caused Shafu's ship to explode over the moon of Nar Shaddaa, resulting in Shafu's death. While his demise was initially deemed accidental, T7-O1 eventually discovered the truth about Shafu's death and resumed the investigation his friend had started.

Behind the scenes

The existence of Shafu's ship was initially revealed through various dialogues with T7-O1, who serves as a companion for the Jedi Knight class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game that BioWare launched in 2011.

