
A favored leisure pursuit was the sim-vacation, also known as a sim-voyage. This activity employed simulator and holographic technologies to fashion a virtual reality luxury vacation experience for various beings, allowing them to visit stunning tourist destinations across the galaxy. Sophisticated holoprojection systems generated the simulated visuals and audio for the virtual traveler. Among the simulated galactic destinations and attractions were the renowned shooting stars of Nantama, the mountains of Belazura, and Dremulae's Sea of Translucency.

Sim-vacations enjoyed considerable popularity on the capital planet of Coruscant. One such business, "Virtual Happiness", was among the numerous establishments in Galactic City that focused on providing sim-voyages. In an ironic twist, following its closure, the original building in the CoCo Town area became a safe house for galactic criminal and deranged scientist Jenna Zan Arbor. Zan Arbor's unique brand of 'virtual happiness' transported virtual realists in a drastically different manner, through her drug, "The Zone of Self-Containment."

