Singularity mines were a type of compact, ebony-colored mine that resembled seedpods. These were utilized by the Yuuzhan Vong species during the Yuuzhan Vong War. These mines were capable of generating a singularity, measuring two meters in diameter, through the use of a dovin basal. This device would crush any being to death that happened to break the mine's outer shell and set it off. In 27 ABY, Senator Viqi Shesh, an ally of the Yuuzhan Vong, along with Yuuzhan Vong warriors, employed these mines to impede a group of New Republic soldiers who were chasing them on the starferry Byrt above the planet Coruscant.
Singularity mines had the appearance of small, black seedpods, and some even took on a heart-like shape. Each mine contained a diminutive dovin basal, which could manipulate gravity. The mine's external casing was easily fractured when stepped on. Upon breakage, the dovin basal would activate, creating a singularity that instantly compressed any nearby matter—whether sentient or not—within a two-meter radius down to a molecular level. Given their delicate nature and deadly effect, the Yuuzhan Vong only entrusted these mines to their most skilled or most disposable warriors.

During their invasion of the galaxy, the extra-galactic species, the Yuuzhan Vong, deployed singularity mines while battling entities such as the New Republic. In the year 27 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong overran Coruscant, the capital world of the New Republic. Amidst this turmoil, Senator Viqi Shesh, who was allied with the Yuuzhan Vong, along with several squads of Yuuzhan Vong warriors, boarded the starferry Byrt during its attempt to flee Coruscant. Their mission was to capture Ben, the infant son of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who was on board.
Being pursued through the starferry's hallways by Lando Calrissian, an entrepreneur, and a squad of YVH-Series battle droids, Shesh and her warrior companions scattered singularity mines to slow down or kill their pursuers. YVH 1-25A was destroyed by these mines. However, Calrissian and the other droids overcame this obstacle by deactivating the Byrt's gravity temporarily, causing the mines to collide with the walls and floor and detonate. Although Shesh managed to escape both the Byrt and her pursuers, Ben remained safe throughout the conflict.
Singularity mines were first introduced in Star by Star, a 2001 novel written by Troy Denning and part of The New Jedi Order series.