
Sinis was a male Human male merchant. He made his home on Corellia during the Galactic Civil War time.


Following the Battle of Yavin, Sinis, a merchant, resided in Tyrena. In the year 1 ABY, a vessel transporting medical supplies from Coronet City destined for Sinis in Tyrena supposedly met its end in a crash near the city. Consequently, Sinis enlisted the services of a spacer to delve into the crash site and salvage as much equipment as possible. The spacer encountered and engaged in combat with several Deflarian scavengers in the vicinity of the wreckage. Subsequently, Sinis called upon his acquaintance Yorick to scrutinize the flight recorder extracted from the Deflarians. The slicer ultimately discerned that the Deflarians had tampered with the flight recorder. Sinis later charged the spacer with the task of assaulting the Deflarian Communications Post to unearth details regarding the Deflarians' involvement in the crash. This endeavor led the spacer to an additional Deflarian encampment, where they vanquished a Deflarian lieutenant and their enforcers, ultimately recovering Sinis's medical equipment, which had been pilfered by the Deflarians. Sinis expressed his satisfaction at the retrieval of his missing merchandise. Subsequently, he relayed all the intelligence gathered concerning the Deflarians to Inspector Cora of the CorSec. This chain of events culminated in the revelation that the Deflarians had commandeered the ship to abscond with its cargo and subsequently orchestrated a crash involving a ship of identical make to conceal their transgression.

Behind the scenes

Sinis made an appearance as a non-player character within the 2003 video game known as Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game crafted by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Sinis was integrated into the game through the "Publish 28," update, which was released on April 26, 2006.

