A minor conflict, a skirmish, occurred on Orto Plutonia during the period known as the Clone Wars. Battle droids residing at a concealed Separatist base located on the planet, mistakenly thought to be devoid of life, instigated a confrontation with a village of the indigenous Talz. The Galactic Republic military installation, Glid Station, constructed on Orto Plutonia at the request of the inhabitants of the moon Pantora, found itself caught in the crossfire. The Talz successfully eliminated the droids and clone troopers, subsequently displaying the droid heads and clone helmets on spears at both bases as a clear warning against any future incursions.
Following a loss of communication with Glid Station, Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by their clone forces and Pantoran representatives Chairman Chi Cho and Senator Riyo Chuchi, journeyed to Orto Plutonia to investigate. The two Jedi encountered the Talz and received an account of the events from chieftain Thi-Sen; however, Cho triggered a conflict between the Talz and his own people due to his firm stance on claiming Orto Plutonia as Pantoran territory and his refusal to acknowledge the Talz as sentient beings. After Cho's subsequent death during the battle, Chuchi successfully brokered a peace agreement between the Pantorans and the Talz, agreeing to cede Orto Plutonia to the Talz.