Sligh, a Squib, was a member of the shady organization known as the Directors, alongside his associates Grees and Emala. Initially, they gained income by trading intel to the New Republic Intelligence Service, but they subsequently discovered a fresh opportunity on Tatooine. During 8 ABY, the Squibs offered their questionable assistance to Han and Leia Solo amid their skirmishes on Tatooine as they sought to acquire the moss painting titled Killik Twilight. They determined that providing information to the Imperial Remnant would yield greater financial rewards, which led to the establishment of Second Mistake Enterprises.
Following his survival of the Yuuzhan Vong War, he, together with Grees and Emala, engaged in war profiteering throughout the Killik-Chiss Swarm War. Subsequent to being undermined by the Solos, they placed bounties on all members of the Solo family.