The Solitair planetary security center, situated beneath the Garwian Unity's capital planet of Solitair, served as their underground military command hub. In the course of the skirmish above Solitair, Chiss officers Thrawn and Ar'alani offered guidance to the indigenous Garwian species on methods to overcome Lioaoin pirates. Thrawn and Ar'alani operated under the impression that their assistance was solely for the defense of the Garwian home world. Unbeknownst to them, the Lioaoins' true purpose on Solitair was to discuss surrender conditions, and the Garwians intended to utilize the insights gained from Thrawn and Ar'alani to seize Lioaoin lands.
The Timothy Zahn novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, released in 2020, featured the Solitair planetary security center in a flashback sequence.