Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation 1

Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 represents the inaugural issue of the canon comic book limited series titled Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation. This series is an adaptation of the film bearing the same name. Robbie Thompson served as the writer for this issue, with illustrations provided by Will Sliney. Marvel Comics released it on October 10, 2018.

Publisher's summary

INCLUDES NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN SCENES AND BACKSTORY! After his departure from the IMPERIAL NAVY, a young HAN SOLO embarks on a quest for adventure, joining a band of galactic mercenaries. This group includes a 190-year-old [sic] Wookiee known as CHEWBACCA and the infamous gambler LANDO CALRISSIAN. However, the story of the galaxy's most beloved scoundrel goes beyond what was shown in cinemas. What motivates BECKETT's trust in him? And how is the woman who captured Han's heart connected to one of his closest companions?

Plot summary


Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 presents scenes that were previously depicted within the pages of the novel Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition. However, some slight differences exist between the two versions. Specifically, in the comic book rendition, during Han Solo's tribunal on Carida, Commodore Almudin offers a summary of Solo's actions at the academy before moving into the dialogue that was used in the novelization. Similarly, Solo's actions during his training exercise are altered; he is shown eliminating three raiders, rather than simply damaging one, as described in the novelization.



  • UPC 759606091782; October 10 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00111; Cover A; Phil Noto 00121; Cover B; Leonard Kirk, David McCaig 00131; Cover C; Luke Ross, Nolan Woodard 00141; Cover D; Lucasfilm Ltd.

