Spennie, a female hailing from the planet Coruscant, was a part of the Resistance's Cobalt Squadron. During the D'Qar evacuation, she operated as the tail gunner on the MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 named Cobalt Hammer, where she met her death at the hands of the First Order.
Originally from Coruscant, Spennie fought against the First Order as a member of the Resistance's Cobalt Squadron during their war. She was the tail gunner aboard the Resistance bomber Cobalt Hammer during both the Atterra campaign and the subsequent evacuation of D'Qar. Immediately preceding the engagement, she confirmed that her gun turret's systems were operational. She died when her bomber was obliterated during its successful assault on the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought known as the Fulminatrix.