
Squoxx, a Rutian Twi'lek hunter of male persuasion, was employed by King Prana. He was a rival to fellow hunters Winloss and Nokk. Around 1 ABY, Chelli Aphra hired him to subdue the Shadowfang Beast; however, Squoxx secretly intended to kill it, under the mistaken impression that Aphra wished to possess the creature. He perished during the hunt, but not before eliminating the beast.


Squoxx rose to prominence as a hunter through his service to King Grevoth Prana IX. Approximately around 1 ABY, after Doctor Chelli Aphra was consumed whole by the Shadowfang Beast on X3-299-11 while attempting to pilfer an artifact, she contracted several hunters to restrain, but not slay, the beast, so she could make a safe escape. Squoxx was among those hired, accepting the assignment. Nevertheless, wrongly assuming that Aphra's goal was to acquire the beast for a collection that would rival King Prana's, Squoxx plotted to instead eliminate the creature.

Squoxx kills the Shadowfang Beast

While in pursuit of the Shadowfang Beast, Squoxx came under attack, and the creature tore off his lekku, an injury that would lead to his death within an hour. He sought refuge in a cave, successfully avoiding detection by the beast. His rivals, Nokk and Winloss, encountered him and feigned assistance, intending to use him as bait for the creature. They bound him and cast him into the path of the Shadowfang Beast, but the creature couldn't locate him, as it relied solely on sound for navigation. Winloss and Nokk managed to subdue the beast using an electro cudgel, and Aphra attempted to manipulate them into killing it so she could get away. While they threatened to shoot it with a crossbow, neither of them followed through, discarding the weapon behind them. Squoxx, still prostrate on the ground, raised the crossbow and fired upon the beast, killing it. Simultaneously, he succumbed to his injuries, collapsing onto the cave floor.

Personality and traits

Squoxx, demonstrating extreme loyalty to King Prana, preferred to sabotage his hunting mission rather than allow what he perceived to be a rival criminal organization to surpass his employer. In spite of this dedication, Nokk and Winloss successfully deceived Squoxx into believing they would assist him, enabling them to sacrifice him as bait for the Shadowfang Beast. Even in his dying moments, he seized the opportunity to slay the beast.

Skills and abilities

Squoxx was a proficient hunter, his skills highly valued by King Prana, who considered him his top operative. Winloss and Nokk viewed him as a competitor, and Aphra asserted that his demise left them as the foremost hunters in the sector.

Behind the scenes

Squoxx made his debut in the canon comic Doctor Aphra Annual 2, penned by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Caspar Wijngaard, and released on September 5 2018.

