Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead functions as the second limited series within the Star Wars: Blood Ties comic book saga.
A team comprised of mercenaries and stormtroopers was hired for the purpose of locating and terminating the infamous bounty hunter, Boba Fett. When he found himself cornered, he was concealed within a burrow following his pursuit of Bendak. After killing Bendak he swapped clothes with him, then activated the jetpack so the corpse was shot several times, simulating his own demise.
Fett trailed Sibar, one of the individuals responsible for attempting to "kill" him, to Iridonia. Sibar divulged all the information he possessed, indicating that a stormtrooper commander stationed on Sathiemon had recruited him into the hit squad. With Sibar's usefulness exhausted, Fett eliminated him. Subsequently, Fett journeyed to Sathiemon, utilizing stolen identi-tabs belonging to Connor Freeman to facilitate his movements. He extracted the name Mac Ewevs from the stormtrooper commander, whom he also killed, before appropriating his armor.
Donning the armor of the Stormtrooper commander he had previously hunted, Fett proceeded to Freeman's cantina located in Atzerri and forcibly removed Freeman, aware that others would now pursue him. A warship in low orbit destroyed the cantina, but the pair, along with Quinny, who had followed them and was rescued by Fett following the explosion, survived.
Freeman was sedated and immersed in a bacta tank, where Cornelius Evazan was compensated to perform surgery, providing him with a cybernetic arm. Fett then elucidated the situation and dispatched Freeman to Concord Dawn, with the mission of safeguarding Sintas and Ailyn, Fett's family.
Fett then orchestrated a simulated crash landing at Blackfel, while posing as a stormtrooper commando. He destroyed the control tower to eliminate the requirement for clearance to depart, ejecting before the explosion. Subsequently, he encountered Darth Vader, who was deceived by his disguise, allowing him to swiftly escape the crash site. He then located Captain Mac Ewevs, who recognized his deception. They were in a training room at the time, so when the stormtroopers took formation ready to fire, they were unwittingly in front of a weapons rack containing many grenades. Fett discharged one of the grenades, triggering an explosion that activated alarms and incapacitated the squad.
Fett then neutralized the medical response team and employed their stretcher to transport Ewevs away. As the base entered lockdown, he abandoned any pretense of stealth and utilized his jetpack to rapidly reach a shuttle, escaping with Ewevs.
At their homestead, Freeman encountered Sintas and Ailyn, who were initially distrustful, but they soon developed a close bond after repelling a group of attacking bounty hunters. Sintas kissed Freeman after noticing his resemblance to Fett. Shortly afterward, Freeman discovered a hologram featuring Sintas and Fett, realizing his error, while Fett returned to Concord Dawn, having discovered that Purton, whose son he had killed in cold blood after his rape of Sintas, was the individual attempting to have him killed.
Sintas clarified the situation for Freeman, and soon after Purton initiated a full-scale assault on Sintas' homestead. During the ensuing gunfight, all of Purton's men were killed, with the exception of Teychenne, whom Fett recruited and tasked with maintaining the secrecy of his family. Sintas and Freeman captured Purton, who was wearing full mandalorian armor. After Purton spoke of how he sought revenge for his son's death, Sintas told him how his son raped her, and in disbelief in anger, Purton began strangling her, but Freeman shot him, saving Sintas.
Following a farewell kiss from Sintas, Freeman departed the building with one of Purton's teeth, which he presented to Boba, referencing Boba's practice of collecting the "teeth of monsters" to honor the memory of a dead Jango. The pair then discussed Fett's family, as they walked away from the street filled with corpses.
Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead 2 erroneously positions Concord Dawn within the Mid Rim. Furthermore, the initial issue places the story arc in 10 BBY, while subsequent issues place it in 1 BBY. This discrepancy has introduced a continuity error concerning Ailyn Vel's age. Her appearance and demeanor are inconsistent with those of a 14-year-old, suggesting that the story was originally intended to occur in 10 BBY rather than 1 BBY.