Episode 5 (Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge)

Episode number five, titled "Episode 5," is a part of the series Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, a game show for kids that takes place within the Star Wars galaxy. It was initially broadcast on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on July 1, 2020.

Official description

In Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, watch as Jedi Master Kelleran Beq (played by Ahmed Best), the witty droid AD-3 (voiced by Mary Holland), and the astromech LX-R5 guide young Padawans Miguel and Kaylie (the Blue Team), Gigi and Skyla (the Orange Team), and Giovanni and Jayden (the Purple Team) as they strive to achieve the rank of Jedi Knights!

Plot summary


The episode begins with an introductory speech from Jedi Master Kelleran Beq, who explains that for thousands of years, Jedi Knights have protected peace and justice throughout the galaxy. Three teams of Padawan learners must now demonstrate their strength, knowledge, and bravery to prove they are worthy of becoming Jedi Knights.

First, we meet Miguel and Kaylie, both 10 years old, representing the Blue Team. They mention that they are inseparable and do everything together. Next, we are introduced to Gigi, 12, and Skyla, 13, from the Orange Team, who confidently state that they are fearless. Finally, we meet Giovanni and Jayden, both 10 years old, from the Purple Team, who describe themselves as best friends.

Master Beq elaborates on the three challenges that the contestants must overcome: strength trials on a remote planet, knowledge trials aboard a Jedi star cruiser, and bravery trials within the Jedi Temple, all to earn the title of Jedi Knight. He questions whether the Jedi Padawans will succumb to the temptations of the dark side or remain focused on the light side of the Force.

Trials of strengths

On a world covered in forests, Master Beq presents himself, along with his reliable droids, AD-3, and LX-R5, to the young contestants. Beq asks the children if they are prepared to become Jedi Knights, and they all respond with a resounding yes. AD-3 greets the Padawans and displays their personal data files. In a video message, Miguel and Kaylie, the best friends from the Blue Team, assert that they are the superior team and will dominate the competition, expressing their unwavering confidence. Gigi and Skyla, the best friends from the Orange Team, declare that they are here to win and that defeat is not an option. Jayden from the Purple Team states that some individuals possess intelligence, while others possess physical strength, identifying himself as the brains and his best friend Giovanni as the brawn.

AD-3 reminds the contestants of the core attributes of a Jedi, which they collectively repeat: strength, knowledge, and bravery. Master Beq affirms this and explains that they will face a series of trials. The initial set of trials is the Strength Trials, a Jedi obstacle course that they must complete to construct their lightsaber. AD-3 explains that the Leap and Lift challenge tests their jumping abilities, the Power Pull tests their strength, Saber Stability tests their balance, and the Swing of Strength tests their swinging skills and overall strength. She clarifies that each completed obstacle unlocks a piece of their lightsaber hilt. The first two teams to successfully complete all obstacles will advance to the Knowledge Trial, bringing them one step closer to entering the Jedi Temple.

Master Beq instructs the Padawans to position their foot on the platform before commencing the trials. Blue Team proceeds to the Swing of Strength, where they must determine the correct key to unlock their hilt piece. Kaylie successfully retrieves her first piece. Skyla and Gigi tackle the Power Pull, working together to pull their sled to the opposite side, allowing them to open their backpacks and reveal their hilt piece. Purple Team swiftly navigates through the rocks in Saber Stability and crosses the logs to access their hilt piece. Master Beq commends Jayden, noting that his balance reminds him of his own Padawan days. Beq reminds AD-3 that he was known as the "Sabered Hand," but the droid pleads with him to stop repeating it every day.

Blue Team completes the Swing of Strength and unlocks their piece, while Orange Team obtains their piece from the Power Pull trial. Purple Team also secures their hilt piece. AD-3 announces that each team has acquired their first hilt piece and instructs them to return to the assembly table. Blue Team is the first to return and earns their first score. Orange Team follows, handing in their hilt piece before heading to the Swing of Strength. Meanwhile, Purple Team carefully traverses the logs with their first hilt piece.

Blue Team advances to Leap and Lift, where they must collect two Meiloorun fruits to retrieve their hilt pieces. Master Beq expresses his longing to be a Padawan again and his desire to cook. AD-3 responds that she has never witnessed him cook, and LX agrees.

Kaylie struggles to reach her hilt piece, while Miguel encourages her to persevere. Master Beq announces that Orange Team is swiftly progressing through the Swing of Strength. Purple Team returns to the assembly table with their first hilt piece, tying the teams at one point each.

Purple Team then rushes to Power Pull, while Orange Team quickly returns to the assembly table with their second hilt piece, taking the lead. Orange Team proceeds to Saber Stability, while Blue Team continues to struggle with Leap and Lift. AD-3 advises them to use their legs before correcting herself to say use the Force.

Orange Team navigates the logs and knocks down rocks, earning praise from Master Beq and AD-3. Beq jokes about being the "Sabered Hand," which annoys AD-3. Jaden and Giovanni pull themselves across the trench in their sled and reach the box, unlocking their second hilt piece.

Meanwhile, Orange Team members Gigi and Skyla unlock their third hilt piece. Master Beq encourages Blue Team to use the Force, and Miguel successfully grabs hold of their second hilt piece. LX beeps, and AD-3 announces that Orange Team is returning to the assembly table with their third hilt piece, extending their lead. Orange Team passes Blue Team as they approach the Pull and Life.

Blue Team returns with their second hilt piece, placing them in second place. Master Beq encourages Jaden to assist Giovanni as they return across the sled. Blue Team heads to their third obstacle, Saber Stability. Master Beq praises Miguel for his hit, but Kaylie falls off the logs and must return to the start before continuing.

Meanwhile, Skyla manages to obtain Orange Team's fourth hilt piece, earning AD-3's praise. Master Beq instructs them to return to the assembly table and assemble their lightsaber. Blue Team traverses Saber Stability and obtains their third hilt piece. Purple Team finally returns with their second hilt piece, and Master Beq reminds Jaden to help Giovanni with his backpack.

Orange Team completes assembling their hilt pieces, while Purple Team returns with their second hilt piece. AD-3 announces that Orange Team is ready to proceed to the Knowledge Trial, and Master Beq instructs them to return to their spots. He reassures Blue and Purple Team that they are still in the competition. Gigi and Skyla encourage the other contestants.

Blue Team returns with their third hilt piece, placing them second in the lead. Meanwhile, Giovanni obtains Purple Team's third hilt piece. Master Beq encourages the Purple Team, while the Blue Team embarks on the Power Pull course. Purple Team returns to the table with their third piece. As Blue Team obtains their piece from the box, Jaden attempts Swing of Strength but falls down. While Jaden makes a second attempt, the Blue Team navigates back on the sled with their fourth hilt piece.

AD-3 warns the Purple Team that they are running out of time. The Blue Team returns to the assembly table with their hilt piece and assembles their lightsabers. Giovanni makes an attempt with the swing but falls down as well. After Blue Team finishes assembling their lightsabers, AD-4 announces that the Orange and Blue will be moving on to the Knowledge Trial.

Master Beq congratulates the Orange and Blue teams while encouraging the Purple Team to keep their chins up, telling the boys that their effort was strong but that they must return to the Jedi Order to continue their training. He wishes that the Force will be with them. In a follow-up video, Jade says that he though that the Trials of Strengths would be very easy but realized that it was very hard. His advice is to believe yourself and that if you lose it is okay.

Master Bey asks Teams Orange and Blue if they are ready. The children shout yes. AD-3 says no but adds that she was joking. LX-R5 rolls along after beeping.

Knowledge Trial

Story time

In the vastness of space, Master Beq welcomes Padawans Kaylie, Miguel, Gigi, and Skyla aboard the Jedi star cruiser Athylia, questioning their readiness for the upcoming trial. The Padawans respond with a resounding yes. Master Beq explains that AD-3 will narrate a tale, and they must remember as much as possible. He clarifies that they will need to locate hidden items throughout the ship, and each correct item they find will be stored as information within their holocrons, which will be essential inside the Temple. The first team to provide five correct answers will receive their holocron and advance to the Jedi Temple. Beq inquires if they are prepared to hear the tale.

AD-3 expresses her excitement, stating that this is her favorite part because it revolves around her. LX-R5 shakes his head and beeps. AD-3 recounts that Reen and her six-armed partner Kreven were hired to pilot the Trustworthy and transport cargo for the Guild of Technicians. Suddenly, disaster struck when two of their six thrusters exploded, forcing them to make an emergency landing on a nearby forested moon. It became evident that Trustworthy was an ironic name for a ship prone to exploding thrusters.

While making repairs, they were ambushed by a group of furry Ewoks. After valiantly defending themselves, they completed their repairs and were preparing to jump into hyperspace when they heard a disturbance in the corridor of the Trustworthy. Reen and Kreven discovered a stowaway Ewok rummaging through their green toolbox. Reen shouted at the creature as it lobbed its spear at the pair before scampering. Luckily, it missed.

They pursued the creature to the power core, where they found it manipulating all 16 buttons and pulling all eight levers. The Ewok flipped a red switch, causing everything, including Reen, Kreven, and the Ewok, to float to the ceiling, bumping into each other in awkward ways. Reen exclaimed that the Ewok had deactivated the artificial gravity and that she and the Ewok had accidentally kissed. A comlink floated up from the floor, and the curious Ewok grabbed it, pressing buttons and inadvertently opening a channel.

"Kreven, you blue herd pile of wampa bait, did you sabotage the thrusters so that we could steal the cargo," the pirate shouted.

Reen was shocked. Kreven had double-crossed her. She grabbed three pairs of binding cuffs and slapped on Kreven's six hands but she wouldn't have known that Kreven was the traitor had it not been for the inquisitive stowaway. Maybe the Ewok would make a good partner. After all, things could only improve after their awkward encounter. LX-R5 beeps.

Question time

Master Beq asks the children to pick who wants to be the pilot and who wants to be the engineer. Gigi asks Skyla if she wants to be the engineer while Kaylie tells Miguel that he should be the pilot After the children pick their roles, AD-3 sends the Padawans to their stations. AD-3 reminds the engineers to obtain items from the cabin and place them on the console while pilots have to press the correct button on the cockpit. Beq reminds them to use their headsets and that communications will be vital. He asks the Padawans if they are ready and they shout yes.

Master Beq poses the first question to the engineers, instructing them to find a tile depicting a stowaway. Over their headsets, Kaylie asks Miguel what a stowaway is. AD-3 reminds them that they can communicate over their headsets. Miguel responds that it is the furry one. Kaylie correctly selects an Ewok.

For the second question, Master Beq asks the pilots how many arms Kreven had. Gigi correctly answers that Kreven had six arms. The two teams are now tied.

For the third question, Beq asks both the pilots and engineers the name of the ship. Gigi responds that the ship was called the Trustworthy. This places Orange team in the lead by two points.

For the fourth question, Beq asks the engineers to pick a tile representing the object that the Ewok grabbed which floated up from the floor. Gigi advises Skyla over the headset. Skyla picks a comlink, placing Orange team in the lead by three points.

For the fifth question, Beq asks the pilots what color switch did the Ewok flip. Miguel correctly picks red, gaining the Blue Team two points.

For the sixth question, Beq asks the engineers what item did Reen slap on Kreven's hands, telling them to choose their items. Kaylie obtains a pair of binding cuffs, gaining the Blue Team three points. The two teams are tied by three to three. AD-3 remarks that they are all tied up while LX-R5 squeals.

For the seventh question, Beq asks the pilots how many of the ship's thrusters exploded. Gigi picks six but Master Beq points out that is incorrect. Miguel correctly picks two, giving Blue Team a lead of four points over Orange Team's three.

For the eighth question, Beq asks the teams a verbal question: what did the Ewok shut off? Miguel correctly picks the artificial gravity.

Master Beq announces that the trial is complete and that Blue Team will be progressing to the Jedi Temple trial. In a follow-up video, Kaylie recalls that the Knowledge Trial was a close race and that the two teams were neck in neck but then they accumulated enough points to win. Miguel says that he learnt to communicate with his partner because it will make it easier for them.

Master Beq reassures Skyla and Gigi that their path to becoming a Jedi is not over but that they must return to the Jedi Order to continue their training. In a follow-up video, Skyla opines that she and Gigi did very well, their communication was great but that the Blue Team was a little bit faster and listened a little bit more. She thinks that they could have listened a little bit more. Beq wishes that the Force will be with them before sending them out on their way.

As they leave, AD-3 tells LX-R5 that he must get his exhaust under control. The astromech droid beeps. After the doors shut, Master Beq thanks Kaylie for completing the Knowledge Trial and presents them with the holocrons. LX-R5 remarks there is the Force again. Beq tells the Padawans to take their holocrons and to take their seats in the cockpit, adding that the coordinates have already been set into the hyperdrive. The two raise the levers, taking the Ayhlia to a rocky planet circled by two moons.

Trial of Bravery

Upon landing, Master Beq offers his congratulations to Jedi Padawans Kaylie and Miguel for reaching the Trial of Bravery within the Jedi Temple. AD-3 mumbles about the Temple. Master Beq informs the Padawans that they have demonstrated a strong connection to the Force and that it is time to put their knowledge into practice. He urges them to maintain focus on the Force and resist the temptations of the dark side, which may attempt to deceive them with easier paths that ultimately lead to greater challenges.

AD-3 adds that they have to leave their lightsaber hilts back here on the shrine. Master Beq adds because the kyber crystals that power their lightsabers are inside the Temple. He says that will be waiting outside using his connection to the Force to keep an eye on them. Beq asks the Padawans if they are ready and they both say yes. Beq says that time is of the essence while AD-3 tells them to run.

Kaylie and Miguel climb up the Summit Scramble to reach the Galaxy Globe. They have to work to work together to match the correct color combination of the flashing orbs on the control panel before moving on to the next challenge. The work together to match the colors, activating the globe.

They then split up and slide down the garbage masher where they have to work together to assemble the correct color code to unlock the doors. Kaylie and Miguel work together to assemble the color codes on a panel with Miguel giving instructions to Kaylie. As they are working, the dark side voice tempts them by asking them to connect with the dark side, claiming that he will release them from this challenge.

While Kaylie matches the colors, the dark side tries to sow discord between the Padawans by asking Kaylie to touch the button. The two work together to match the color tiles but fail in that attempt. The dark side voice tries to discourage but the friends find the right tiles, allowing them to unlock the doors.

They then enter the Power Connectors chamber where they have to connect all power cables to matching power connectors in order to move on. The two work together to match the various cables, using the shapes as guides. In a follow-up video, Kaylie recalled that they were so close and that they needed to be strong and have bravery. Miguel adds agility and strength. After connecting all the cables, the door opens and the Padawans scale the frigid ridge using ropes.

They then reach the Bridge of Balance where the Padawans must balance on discs to allow them to cross. Miguel takes the lead and encourages Kaylie to cross the bridge, racing against time. The two slide down a slide but run out of time.

Taking a step back

Master Beq announces that their time has expired and requests that they return to him at the Temple entrance. Miguel expresses disappointment at how close they were. Master Beq acknowledges that they were only seconds away, while AD-3 assures them that they made a commendable effort. Master Beq encourages the Padawans by emphasizing that their determination allowed them to resist the dark side, even though they did not complete the trial. He assures them that they are on the right path and that he envisions them becoming great Jedi in the future.

LX-R5 beeps while Yoda tells the Padawans to trust in the Force and that they will become great Jedi one day. In a follow-up video, Kaylie opines that they did well but that they were a few seconds away from the finish. She adds that they were so close. Miguel says that his favorite part was the rope swinging while Kaylie says that her personal favorite is the engineering one where they had to whisper the answers to each other through the microphone. She says that the frozen part was so crazy because she kept on slipping. Yoda, Beq and AD-3 wish the Padawans that the Force will be with them always.


