Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes is a Star Wars video game available on several platforms including PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and Nintendo DS. Krome Studios took on the development of the game, which was initially slated for release on September 15, 2009, but its launch was later rescheduled to October 6. The game's narrative draws from both the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and the animated series, taking place in the timeline between Season 1 and Season 2.
On Ryloth, Anakin and Ahsoka must pave the way for the advancing Clone troopers by battling through waves of enemy droids.
Simultaneously, the Juma 9 station faces an assault, requiring Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Commander Cody, and Switch to defend it. During their mission to reach the communications hub, Obi-Wan and Plo encounter a Skakoan scientist who identifies himself as Kul Teska after they pursue him. Despite their efforts in an ensuing confrontation, he manages to escape, leaving Obi-Wan and Plo trapped.

Because Anakin has lost contact with Obi-Wan and Plo Koon, Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Kit Fisto, accompanied by Commander Ponds, arrive to perform a rescue operation for the stranded Jedi.
On Alzoc III, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Commander Bly and Commander Gree investigate the mystery surrounding the floating wreckage of a CIS warship. They soon determine that a clandestine weapon was responsible for the ship's destruction, prompting them to immediately alert their allies. The two Jedi eventually confront Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress, who was dispatched by Dooku with the intention of eliminating any witnesses.
Returning to Ryloth, Captain Rex and Boomer are taken prisoner by Cad Bane, who orders them to load a Separatist Superweapon (responsible for the debris field over Alzoc III) onto his vessel, but the droids want it back. Consequently, the two clones are forced to intervene. Anakin and Ahsoka appear to rescue the clones, but then they also have to stop the droids, too. Eventually, the five escape the cave, and Rex and Boomer decide to destroy all of the droids, allowing Anakin, Ahsoka, and Bane to reach his ship. Upon reaching the junkyard, they encounter Kul Teska.
Teska manages to flee, prompting Ahsoka and Anakin to contact Obi-Wan and Plo Koon, only to discover that Aayla, Luminara, and Yoda have already reached out to them. Together, they uncover that Padmé Amidala has been captured by Teska on Behpour, who is conspiring with Dooku to obliterate the Naboo system using the superweapon. A team consisting of Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Mace Windu is dispatched to neutralize the threat. During the mission, Anakin and Obi-Wan infiltrate the facility to disable the Deflector shield generator, while Ahsoka and Mace Windu lead the main assault. Following a hard-fought battle, Obi-Wan and Windu confront and defeat Count Dooku. Simultaneously, Anakin and Ahsoka engage Teska and narrowly escape the facility with the rescued Senator Amidala using two Single Trooper Aerial Platforms.
The Nintendo DS version of the game, which is based on the movie and episodes from Seasons 1 and 2, acts as a prequel to the versions released on other platforms.
In the initial mission, Obi-Wan, Cody, Anakin, Ahsoka, and several Clone troopers journey to Christophsis with the objective of disabling a ray shield to protect their heavy artillery.
Meanwhile, Kit Fisto makes his way to Grievous' lair in an attempt to locate Nute Gunray. Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Mace Windu then proceed to Ryloth to liberate the local population from the occupying Separatists.
Cad Bane finds himself captured within a Droid base, holding information of significant value to the Republic. Consequently, Kit Fisto and Padmé Amidala embark on a mission to extract this intelligence.
R2-D2 is captured by Grievous, who seeks to exploit the Republic's strategic data and base coordinates stored within the droid. At Skytop Station, Ahsoka, Anakin, and Rex initiate a desperate search for R2-D2. Upon locating him, they must race against time to escape the collapsing station. Simultaneously, Luminara Unduli and Gree revisit Grievous' lair to retrieve codes that Cad Bane's information revealed to be hidden there.
The game offers players the opportunity to assume the roles of Jedi Knights, clone troopers, and other characters across 40 distinct missions. The gameplay style varies depending on the mission. Missions featuring Jedi characters emphasize platforming elements. On missions featuring clone characters, the gameplay shifts to a third-person shooter perspective.

Republic Heroes was marketed through the Join The Clone Wars interactive website and ad campaign, hosted by LucasArts. This initiative comprised three key sections: HoloNet News, Train, and Holocomm. The HoloNet News area featured six news articles and video segments that were released gradually leading up to the game's launch. These clips were accompanied by in-universe news bulletins. The Train section included two mini-games: Jedi Force Jump and Clone Weapons Training. These mini-games mirrored the setting of the video game and allowed up to thirty players to form a platoon. The Holocomm section featured a video briefing that was designed to interface with a webcam. Upon joining the promotion, users created a character by selecting a homeworld, droid companion, starship, race, and other attributes. The site then generated several character names based on these selections.