Star Wars 106: My Hiromi represents the one hundred and sixth installment within the Marvel Star Wars comic book saga.
Two separate invading forces have successfully taken control of the planet Zeltros! The sole remaining hope for the Zeltrons now rests with Luke Skywalker, the telepathic Space Bunnies, and a group of twelve timid cockroaches! Jo Duffy is the author of "My Hiromi," with illustrations provided by Cynthia Martin.
Captain Hookyr and the rest of the Hiromi species celebrate their triumph over a portion of the Tof military, achieved with assistance from Luke Skywalker and the Hoojibs. When Luke brings up the idea of attacking the primary Tof vessel, Hookyr and his people are surprised by Luke's intention to liberate his allies and fellow members of the alliance, but the Hiromi are not willing to engage in combat again so quickly. Plif also questions Luke's eagerness to dive headfirst into battle.
In a separate location, Rahuhl, Jahn, along with the Zeltrons, find themselves imprisoned in a pit cell after the Nagai successfully captured Leia, Han, Lando, and Chewbacca. They attempt an escape, but the Tofs quickly overpower them, forcing them back into their confinement.
Elsewhere, Leia and Dani manage to break free, with Dani spotting Den Siva in captivity because he betrayed his people to rescue her. Leia prevents her from attacking him. Meanwhile, Luke attempts to extract information from a captured Tof soldier, but the Hiromi prefer to use physical force to get answers. The soldier quickly reveals details about their numbers and security code. Luke then begins to formulate a plan of action, with the Hiromi following his lead.
While imprisoned, Han and Lando comment on the Zeltrons' tendency to borrow architectural styles from other cultures, but a Nagai officer orders them to be quiet. Simultaneously, the Tofs have turned against the Nagai and imprisoned them. Han initially believes the Tofs have come to rescue them, but then overhears that he and the others are to be executed regardless. Laser fire suddenly rains down on the Tof forces as Leia leads a group of Zeltron warriors. A Nagai soldier attempts to shoot Dani, but Den intervenes, offering a new alliance with the Nagai.
By this point, Luke and the Hiromi have launched an assault on the Tof starship, using the security code to gain entry and disable the security systems. Luke, utilizing his Jedi training, confronts several Tofs alone. Plif and his companions disable every system except for life support, while the Hiromi liberate the captured Zeltrons, who mistakenly attack their rescuers, believing them to be enemies. Luke clarifies the situation. A Tof guard arrives to investigate, and Hirog shoots him. Luke then reveals that he has planted explosives on board to destroy the Tof ship.