Star Wars (1998) 11

title: Outlander, Part 5

The eleventh installment of the Star Wars: Republic comic book series is titled Outlander, Part 5. Dark Horse Comics released it to the public on October 27, 1999.

Synopsis from the Publisher

Aurra Sing, a bounty hunter, has successfully tracked down the Tusken settlement where Ki-Adi-Mundi and Sharad Hett are currently concealed. Now, Gardulla the Hutt, who is Sing's employer, intends to escalate the situation and permanently eradicate the Tusken threat! This is an issue that promises to be captivating! It showcases the narrative skills of Timothy Truman, the artistic penciling of Rick Leonardi, and the detailed inking of Mark Lipka! Additionally, it features a cover created by Ken Kelly!

Storyline Synopsis

While Aurra Sing's pursuit of her Jedi objectives intensifies, their ability to reach a mutual understanding appears to diminish. Hett recounts to Ki his past experiences as a Jedi, including his training under master Eeth Koth, his role in maintaining galactic peace, and the devastating loss of his parents. Furthermore, Hett details the events surrounding his forced landing on Tatooine and his subsequent ascent to leadership within the Tusken tribe. In accordance with his assignment, Ki implores Hett to go back to Coruscant in order to aid in the impending conflict against the Sith. At that precise moment, Aurra Sing makes her entrance accompanied by Gardulla the Hutt's forces.

