Emissaries to Malastare, Part 6, a comic book, represents the eighteenth installment within the Star Wars: Republic comic series. Dark Horse Comics released it to the public on May 24, 2000.
Mace Windu and Depa Billaba, both Jedi Masters, unexpectedly discover a brutal pit-fighting arena situated deep within the Smugglers Moon. However, those in charge of the arena are highly motivated to ensure the spectators are entertained. What could provide more excitement than pitting the galaxy's most powerful Jedi against ferocious akk dogs and terrifying rancors? Be sure not to miss the explosive end to "Emissaries to Malastare!"
The two Jedi find themselves crashing directly into the Circus Horrificus while attempting to fend off the vrblthers. Master Windu tries to negotiate with the Hutt who owns the arena, but the Hutt instead unleashes the rabid akks upon him. Following Mace Windu's unsuccessful effort to pacify the creatures, a disturbance erupts among the spectators due to wagers placed by Vilmarh Grahrk. Recognizing their chance, the Jedi launch an assault on the Hutt, apprehending the circus manager as Republic backup approaches.