Star Wars Insider 105

title: Star Wars Insider 105

Star Wars Insider number 105 marks the one hundred and fifth publication of the Star Wars Insider magazine. It is also the thirteenth edition released under the banner of Titan Magazines. This issue presents readers with two distinct covers available at newsstands, in addition to a special, limited-edition collector's cover.

Table of Contents

  • " 25 Years of Return of the Jedi! " (by Daniel Wallace) A visual commentary reveals previously unknown facts about the Star Wars saga's final chapter, a full 25 years after its release.
  • " Grievous Alarm: Matthew Wood " (by Amos Wong) Matthew Wood, a voice actor, actor, and Skywalker Sound employee, lends his vocal talents to the animated TY series Star Wars: The Clone Wars as General Grievous, a significant Star Wars antagonist, who is experiencing a resurgence.
  • " Maris: A New Brood of Hero " (by Paul Simpson) Adrienne Wilkinson, the actress who portrays Maris Brood, the enigmatic Jedi warrior from The Force Unleashed, is interviewed by Insider.
  • " Effects Maestros: Breaking the Mold " (by Calum Waddell) Hear from the visual effects expert as he recounts his beginnings in the ILM miniature and optical effects department, starting with Star Wars: A New Hope.


Visual Media

Cover image collection

Reference Material

  •'s coverage of the heroes and villains featured in Star Wars Insider #105 (content is now outdated; archived link provided)

Additional Information
