Star Wars Insider 59

Star Wars Insider 59, the magazine Star Wars Insider, reached its fifty-ninth installment with this issue. Its arrival on newsstands occurred on April 2, 2002. This particular edition commemorated a quarter-century of the Star Wars saga, timed to coincide with the cinematic debut of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, a film from the prequel trilogy.

Table of Contents

  • " Han Solo: Ford Tough " (by Michael G. Ryan) It's difficult to envision the world without Harrison Ford portraying Han Solo or Indiana Jones. Additionally, Insider connects with Peter Mayhew, the individual who brought the mighty Chewbacca to life.
  • " Princess Leia: When Carrie Met Leia " (by Scott Chernoff) While Carrie Fisher's destiny for fame might have been anticipated, the manner in which it unfolded was unforeseen.
  • " Luke Skywalker: From Jedi to Joker " (by Cory J. Herndon) Discover everything you didn't know about Mark Hamill.
  • " Who's Who in Rogue Squadron " (by Jason Fry) The premier starfighter squadron of the New Republic has confronted Death Stars, AT-ATs, Yuuzhan Vong, and a multitude of other galactic threats.
  • " A Cast of Thousands: The Making of The New Essential Guide to Star Wars Characters " (by Daniel Wallace) Extend your gratitude to Attack of the Clones for inspiring this updated version of Del Rey's widely read Essential Guide to Characters. Insider presents two exclusive entries unavailable elsewhere.
  • " Skywalker Scrapbook " (by Benjamin Harper) Lucy Autrey Wilson's tenure as a Lucasfilm employee spans the entire history of the company.
  • " Following the Bantha Tracks " (by Chris Fawcett) Before Star Wars Insider existed, there was a smaller publication known as Bantha Tracks.



  • announced the new Insider issue celebrating 25 Years of Star Wars (the linked content is no longer available; backup link provided)

Additional Information

External Resources
