Star Wars Missions 1: Assault on Yavin Four

Star Wars Missions 1: Assault on Yavin Four is the initial adventure volume within the Star Wars Missions collection designed for young readers, doubling as a roleplaying game. Scholastic released it during September of 1997.

Official Synopsis

The original Death Star has been obliterated. Nevertheless, the Empire endures. An Imperial starship has made planetfall on Yavin Four. The Rebel stronghold is imperiled. Your objective: thwart the attack on Yavin Four…regardless of the sacrifices required.

May the Force accompany you.

Detailed Story

  • Mission Type: Rebel

Above the planet known as Delrakkin, Admiral Termo is awaiting communication from Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin who is located within the Yavin system. As the transmission fails to materialize, Termo's anxiety escalates, prompting him to organize a combat team for deployment to Yavin.

Concurrently, inside the Great Temple situated on Yavin 4, the Rebels are celebrating the destruction of the Death Star, until C-3PO breaks the news, informing them that R2-D2 has stumbled upon something noteworthy. The Death Star's schematics reveal the battle station transported significant quantities of bacta as freight. While Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia Organa contemplate the implications, Threepio picks up a relayed signal originating from a beacon within the system, alerting the Rebels to the presence of an unidentified vessel. Sensor readings suggest it's a modified Carrack cruiser, presumably searching for the remnants of the Death Star. General Jan Dodonna commands a low profile, intending to let the ship pass unhindered, but Solo defies the order, pursuing the vessel aboard the Millennium Falcon. Upon intercepting the cruiser, Solo initiates an assault, causing the Carrack to crash-land on Yavin 4. Dodonna concludes that a team must be dispatched to prevent the survivors from transmitting a distress signal, thus exposing their location to the Empire.

Dodonna chooses a Rebel to perform reconnaissance and assess Imperial strength. The scout, utilizing a speeder bike, arrives at a clearing, narrowly avoiding capture by Imperial stormtroopers, swiftly subduing them. The scout then discovers more stormtroopers preparing to activate a distress beacon, and swiftly eliminates them as well. Recognizing the impossibility of neutralizing all Imperials, the scout adopts a stormtrooper disguise, commandeers an Imperial landspeeder, secures their speeder bike to the vehicle's rear, and infiltrates the Imperial encampment. However, the scout neglects to deactivate their comlink, leading to the exposure of their true identity. The scout hastily retreats into a nearby temple to evade capture. Inside the temple, the scout encounters a battle droid, which they defeat. Proceeding deeper into the temple, the scout faces two more battle droids, defeating them, along with a worm-like creature. The scout then comes across Q-7N, a security droid left behind by the temple's pirate architects. 7N, mistaking the scout for an Imperial, triggers a trapdoor, throwing them into a confrontation with two stormtroopers. The scout dispatches the stormtroopers effortlessly, only for Q-7N to reveal they were merely holograms. Convinced of the scout's friendly intentions, Q-7N assists in the mission to capture the Imperial captain. The scout manages to escape, but is pursued by Captain Skeezer. Q-7N tackles the captain, incapacitating him and rescuing the scout. The scout then goes back to the Rebel base accompanied by the damaged ancient droid.

Afterward, Artoo repairs Q-7N, while Solo extracts information from the captured Captain Skeezer, learning that the Death Star's bacta cargo was tainted.

Mission Pack #1

Accompanying the book was the introductory kit. This kit contained a slim black plastic case bearing an impression of Darth Vader's helmet, a robust plastic membership card inscribed with "The Future of the Galaxy Depends on You," a welcoming message entitled "Prepare for the your first mission!," the Mission Points Scoring Pad, Mission Guide, one black 12-sided die and one white 6-sided die, and a copy of Star Wars Kids: The Magazine for Young Jedi Knights 1. The game elements encompassed a map illustrating the Yavin system and a set of twelve Mission Team Cards (Set 1).

