Starbound Misfit

During the Galactic Civil War, following the Battle of Yavin, a significantly altered YT-1930 light freighter known as the Starbound Misfit was the prized possession of Lynnori, a Near-Human captain of tramp freighters. This Corellian vessel was gifted to her by her boyfriend, Talandro Starlyte, who then enlisted his Ugnaught mechanic, Scizzic, to enhance its capabilities. These modifications included a substantially faster hyperdrive system and more formidable weaponry compared to standard models of its type. Lynnori relished the independence afforded by owning her own ship and made frequent use of it.


The YT-1930 light freighter called the Starbound Misfit was produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. It was designed to be operated by a crew of two, with the capacity to accommodate up to six passengers. It could carry enough consumables for four months of operation and the cargo hold had a capacity of 200 tons. The vessel was outfitted with a navicomputer and robust deflector shields. It could reach a maximum speed of 950 kmh within a planet's atmosphere.

The design of the Starbound Misfit centered around a main saucer-shaped body, with the cockpit situated in the middle, between the ship's two forward extensions. The cockpit had space for two crew members and a maximum of two passengers. Located behind the cockpit were passenger seats and an emergency airlock. Moving clockwise around the ship's central saucer, one would find a weapons storage area, a holotable and lounge, a galley, and a technical station. The central area of the ship provided access to the upper and lower gun emplacements, as well as the airlock/connection hatch. The two forward extensions housed maintenance access points. To the port side of the cockpit were the captain's quarters and two passenger or crew cabins. Across from the cabins were a series of storage lockers.

At the rear of the ship were the sublight drives and hyperdrives, protected by engine insulators. Cargo bays containing freezers were positioned on either side of the engines. Located forward of the cargo bays, on the exterior of the ship, were escape pods on each side. Across the hallway from the pods were concealed smuggling compartments. Following modifications by Scizzic, the Starbound Misfit was equipped with more powerful twin fire-linked laser cannons compared to the standard model, along with an added concussion missile launcher, a Class 0.5 hyperdrive, and a backup Class 10 hyperdrive. These changes also reduced the ship's overall length from 36.58 meters to 35 meters.


Talandro Starlyte purchased the Starbound Misfit for Lynnori, his Near-Human tramp freighter captain girlfriend. Scizzic, the Ugnaught mechanic, modified it to improve Lynnori's safety during her travels. She possessed the ship during the Galactic Civil War period, specifically after the Battle of Yavin.

Owners and operators

The sole owner of the Starbound Misfit was Lynnori, a female Near-Human. She primarily utilized the ship for legitimate shipping and passenger transport, but she occasionally engaged in smuggling ventures. She valued the independence that came with owning her own vessel and was a frequent traveler.

Behind the scenes

Paul Danner and Bill Smith created the Starbound Misfit for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. West End Games released it in 1997.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy (First mentioned)

Notes and references
