
During the Galactic Civil War, subsequent to the Battle of Yavin, there existed a male Ugnaught mechanic by the name of Scizzic. He was employed by Talandro Starlyte on Starlyte Station, a space station. Initially, Scizzic's role was that of the primary technician due to his mechanical skills. Over time, he expanded his operations, transforming a hangar into a repair facility dubbed the Graveyard, where he undertook starship repairs. Notably, he modified several vessels, including the Starbound Misfit, a modification he completed for Starlyte as a favor for his girlfriend, Lynnori.


Scizzic was a mechanical prodigy, an Ugnaught male who, in his younger days, exhibited a preference for mending mining equipment rather than operating it. According to some accounts, Talandro Starlyte and he crossed paths in Cloud City above the planet Bespin. Impressed by Scizzic's technical prowess, Starlyte presented him with the chance to restore Starlyte Station, the space facility he had recently acquired from the Galactic Empire. Scizzic exceeded expectations, swiftly bringing all crucial systems back into working order in a short time. With the station fully functional, he established his workshop in the Graveyard, the main hangar bay of Starlyte Station, where he specialized in starship repairs.

The Graveyard soon became filled with a diverse collection of ships and components, which Scizzic utilized in his repair endeavors. He insisted on personally overseeing all repair tasks, aided by a handful of experienced repair droids. While his rates were notably higher than those of other repair shops, his services were considered dependable and worth the additional expense by some. He would often enhance ships during repairs, sometimes incorporating unsolicited features. Scizzic also innovated original improvements, such as a more effective design for power couplings. When Starlyte procured the Starbound Misfit for Lynnori, he entrusted Scizzic with its modification. His repair business flourished, despite the station's isolated location and the Graveyard's cluttered appearance, filled with scraps and abandoned vessels. Alongside his work there, he continued to perform minor repairs on Starlyte Station during the Galactic Civil War following the Battle of Yavin.

Personality and traits

Scizzic differed from other Ugnaughts in that he lacked any interest in mining. His focus was not on using the machinery, but on repairing it. His mechanical aptitude and passion for tinkering and fixing things led him to a career in starship repair. He was somewhat reserved and shy, but could become quite animated, especially when working on a ship. Despite the lucrativeness of his business, he preferred to carry out the repairs himself, as he found joy in his work. When he made a new discovery, he would chatter excitedly. Scizzic was uninterested in conversations unrelated to starship repair, as his greatest passion was both fixing ships and discussing the process.

Skills and abilities

Scizzic, a gifted mechanic, possessed exceptional skills in all areas of repair, including droids, computers, machinery engineering, repulsorlift vehicles, space transports, starfighters, and starship weaponry, as well as the programming of droids and computers. He also demonstrated basic proficiency as a hover-vehicle pilot and had a sharp eye for spotting valuable items among discarded junk. He was capable of using a blaster if required, but he was more inclined to seek refuge among the piles of ship hulls and spare parts than to engage in direct combat.


Scizzic typically carried a collection of tools, which might include hydrospanners, a plasma welder, a diagnostic scanner, a datapad, a laser cutter, and various repair kits. He also possessed a hidden hold-out blaster.

Behind the scenes

Paul Danner and Bill Smith conceived Scizzic for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplement for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1997. Joe Corroney provided illustrations of Scizzic for the book.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy (First mentioned)

Notes and references
