Stephen Bayley, an uncredited extra, took on the role of stormtrooper TK-421 in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope from the original trilogy.
In the 1977 original trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, Stephen Bayley worked as an uncredited extra, specifically as a stormtrooper. He not only played TK-421, but also stood in for David Prowse to capture shots of Darth Vader's gloved hands as he piloted his TIE Advanced. After joining central castings, Bayley's first job as a film extra, at the age of 23 or 24, was the original Star Wars film. He mentioned that in those days, film extras were simply informed of the time and location for filming and were fitted for costumes on the first day, without prior knowledge of their roles. Extras were given verbal instructions on set instead of scripts. He spent about six days filming, spread over a couple of weeks, without ever receiving a script.
Bayley became TK-421 simply because he happened to be in the right spot when two men in stormtrooper armor were needed to stand near the Millennium Falcon, react to a noise, and walk up the ramp. Although Bayley didn't portray Luke Skywalker in TK-421's armor coming down the ramp, he mentioned filming other scenes as a stormtrooper running through the Death Star corridors. When a person was needed to depict Darth Vader's gloved hands operating a joystick in a cockpit, Bayley was selected due to his availability; however, he is unsure if the footage of Vader's hands he filmed made it into the final cut. Some of his filmed scenes were cut during editing. He described the hangar set as incredibly impressive, as large as it appeared on screen, and from that vantage point, he could observe other sets and scenes being filmed.
Bayley recalls that the extra portraying TK-710 was an antique dealer in his forties who frequently gave Bayley rides back to London in his Ford Fiesta. Although Bayley vaguely remembers the other extra's name, he hasn't encountered or heard from him since.
Because the extras weren't bound by a non-disclosure agreement, Bayley shared details about his role with his cousin and pointed himself out during their viewing of the film. Subsequently, he didn't follow the later films, but he has since watched them and rewatched his video recording of A New Hope on multiple occasions. He wasn't aware that he had played a character named TK-421 or that the character had gained significance within the Star Wars fandom until someone informed him years later. Since then, he has participated in fan conventions and signed autographs. On April 21, 2022, he was made an honorary member of the UK Garrison of the 501st Legion.
- Latest Guest Announcement - STEPHEN BAYLEY by Showmasters Admin on Showmasters Forums ( June 30 , 2016 ) (archived from the original on August 3, 2021)
- Everything Geek Podcast Guest Interview- Stephen Bayley (London Film & Comic Con) on the Everything Geek Podcast YouTube channel (backup link)
- Exclusive Interview with Star Wars Stormtrooper TK421 - Stephen Bayley on the 501st UK Garrison YouTube channel (May 4, 2022) (backup link)