Sudswater Dillifay Glon

Sudswater Dillifay Glon was an alien musician from [Zenez](/article/zenezian] who was male and had brown skin. This individual played the seven-string hallikset. Approximately three decades following the Battle of Endor, Glon was a performer at Maz Kanata's castle as a member of the band known as Shag Kava. His bandmates included Taybin Ralorsa, Ubert Quaril, and Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins. As the quartet played their music, Kanata noticed the smuggler Han Solo entering the building; she shouted to him, which caused the music to stop. The band then continued their performance, but were interrupted once more when many of the castle's inhabitants ran outside to observe the destruction of the Hosnian system caused by the First Order's superweapon, Starkiller Base. Subsequently, the First Order's forces attacked and demolished the castle.

Behind the scenes

The character of Sudswater Dillifay Glon was created for the movie Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which debuted in 2015. Although the movie did not identify the alien by name, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released concurrently with the film, provided the character's name.

