The Sunrunner was a swift, yet defenseless, sea vessel supplied to Nym by Loreli Ro. It boasted a Corellian navicomputer, Mitgard repulsorlift propulsion, and environmentally friendly ion drives. Nym utilized this craft to hunt down pirate forces commanded by Sol Sixxa. Ultimately, Nym crashed it into the Revenant, resulting in the destruction of both ships and a significant number of B1-series battle droids.
The Sunrunner presented a grey aquatic form, adorned with a distinctive pattern. It incorporated a Corellian navicomputer, Mitgard repulsorlift engines, and environmentally conscious ion drives.
Internally, the vessel featured several access hatches alongside a medical bay equipped with a bed and various surgical instruments.
Loreli Ro acquired the Sunrunner for Nym with the intent of locating Sol Sixxa, thereby ending his acts of piracy against innocent refugees. Nym expressed dismay at the ship's lack of weaponry, to which Loreli explained that the Trade Federation had imposed restrictions on arming their ships. Consequently, Nym instructed Jannik and his Reeven Clan to bring all available weapons, along with his Havoc's Bomblet generator, to the ship. Jinkins was assigned to pilot the ship, while Loreli managed navigation.
Subsequently, the Sunrunner journeyed to the site of the Syren, a Trade Federation luxury liner that Sol Sixxa had sunk. Nym sought to recover the head of Lord Toat's Protocol droid, PL-37, when he was attacked by a Relix. Nym then secured his rope to a piece of wreckage and cast it into the Relix's mouth, losing his cybernetic arm in the process. He then commanded Jinkins to accelerate to full speed, forcing the Relix to surface, where the Reeven Clan bombarded it.
Nym returned to the ship with PL-37's head and directed Jinkins to extract information from the droid's memory, revealing that Sixxa possessed a prototype before it was destroyed. This action led to the Sunrunner being tracked by Trade Federation forces under the command of Harro Ruuk. Meanwhile, Kole located the Refugee captain in a cantina called Silver Cloud and convinced him to join Nym before confronting Sol Sixxa.
The Sunrunner was steered to the Haunted Straits, where Sixxa had established his base for raids, using his ship, the Revenant. During preparations, the Bomblet Generator was modified into a turret, and Jinkins equipped Nym with a Hand cannon. Midway through the Straits, Sixxa launched an attack on the vessel. However, Nym's Rodian warriors and the Bomblet Generator turret decimated his speeders, compelling Sixxa to retreat to his ship, which featured a prototype cloaking device. Nym boarded the Revenant, followed by Kole, Loreli, and the Rodians, and tackled Sixxa overboard. Kole successfully disabled the prototype cloaking device, providing Jinkins with a visual and radar lock. Before he could engage, Trade Federation Ostracoda-class gunboats arrived with B1-series battle droids and seized both ships.
Sol Sixxa then retaliated, attacking the Trade Federation droids. Nym returned to his ship and instructed Jinkins to overload the Bomblet Generator and get Jannik to a life-pod. Subsequently, he steered the ship at full speed toward the Revenant, initiating a collision while Kole, Loreli, and the Rodians jumped overboard. The Sunrunner crashed through the Revenant and exploded, destroying numerous Battle Droids and the gunboats. Both vessels sank to the seabed.